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The next morning, Kira sat up as soon as consciousness touched her. Her stirring woke Vrox, who threw an arm around her and shifted south to burry his face against her thigh.

"Good morning, baby," Kira greeted with a stroke to his dark hair.

"Yes. Greetings, seedling," Vrox agreed, thinking she was talking to her stomach.

"How did you sleep?" she asked.

Vrox sat up, towering over her although they were sitting down. The color of his irises was duller than usual, and his face stubbled with the hints of a beard.

"I had unsettling dreams, but nevermind me. How are you?"

He pulled her to his lap, and the presence between his thighs offered its own good morning. With a knowing grin, she raised a hand and caressed his cheek.

"Maybe we could go to the lake later after we finish packing?"

His eyes narrowed and his hold tightened.

"Why do you need a lake when my mouth is perfectly lubricated?" he grinned devilishly, flashing those canines that had swam through her folds many times.

"Oh, gross!" she laughed, palming his chest and pushing him aside.

With a kiss to her nose, he helped her off the bed. She stroked Vee's fur and then used the water basin to clean herself up.

"I will help Ni'ev with the blacksmithing cave. Would you like me to pack you refri-terator?"

"No," Kira answered. "I just need the blurak. I can remake the refrigerator once we arrive at The Ruins. Oh! That reminds me that I have to talk about Nebula about indoor plumbing. Thanks, baby. You're the best."

She jumped to kiss his chin, leaving him stunned as he tried to catch up with her word vomit. He didn't understand why she was talking to her womb, or why she thanked him, or what indoor plumbing was.

Terran females are a mystery, he figured as he watched Kira straighten out her dress before dashing outside.

Kira walked down the line of adjoined caves, looking for Ak's. The other guys were scattered all over camp, having already begun their day. Nebula's kidnapper, however, was sitting outside the cave with his scaled back pressing against the wall.

Once he heard her approaching footfalls, he rose to his overwhelming stature and stared blankly. His broad chest was bare, but his lap was covered by the same slip of cloth that the other men wore. No greetings came from his fanged lips, but his animosity was unmistakable.

"Hi. I'm here to see Nebula."

"Kira?" Nebula moaned from inside, her voice stiffening Ak's body.

"Hey! Can I come in?"


Kira gave Ak a questioning look, quietly requesting permission to enter his space. When all he did was resume his sitting position against the wall, she took that as a green light.

She pushed past the curtain and found Ak's room in a messier state than Vrox's. She wasn't too surprised by this. The cave had been unoccupied for many weeks, and Vee tended to bring chaos around camp with his simple curiosity.

Nebula was on Ak's bed, braids a mess across her face.

"Please tell me this planet has invented toothpaste," she grumbled.

Kira laughed, stopping beside the bed. "Just wait until I tell you about Vrox's Vanishing theory. Apparently, these guys used to be an advanced species at one point."

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