4 : 四

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They remained under the suspenseful shadow of the bird for many minutes. When it flew away, the alien under Kira's thighs muttered something that she couldn't decipher. The only thing she understood was that his voice was deep– a universal feature of masculinity.

"You almost got us into a lot of trouble. I do not have a weapon, and my brothers are nowhere nearby." Vrox growled when the boy dared to ignore him. "I am speaking to you!"

A squeal of fear hurt his hearing. He cringed, and almost released the boy who resumed his attempts to escape.

"Stop squirming."

The request didn't seem to produce any effects. The bony sack of fear in his embrace was desperate to get away.

Seeking another approach, Vrox lifted a hand to his hair. "Calm down," he requested with a much softer voice. He pet the strange-colored hair, hoping it would help. He didn't have much experience petting anything. He might have played with animals when he was much younger, but touching others for comfort wasn't common in his age. The most intimate exchange among his brothers was the grasp of the forearm to show appreciation or support.

There were foreign tribes that wrapped their arms around people to express love, but Vrox found that to be strange. Being entrapped in someone's arms seemed more like an insult than anything else.

The repeated strokes to her hair exhausted the fire of Kira's squirming. She was both confused and baffled– not believing that she was sitting on a naked alien and getting pet.

"Good little creature," Vrox praised when she calmed. His words fell on Kira's ignorant ears, but the softness of his voice communicated his intention to soothe.

As cautiously as possible, Vrox rose to his feet, pulling the boy along. He spun him around and squeezed his shoulders.


He released his hold and took a step back.

"Now, tell me your name and where your father is."

Big, strange brown eyes stared at him, communicating what the mouth refused to. The boy looked terrified, but Vrox didn't understand why.

He wished he knew more about comforting younglings, but he hadn't seen one in many snowfalls. The only conclusion he could draw was that the way his tall and broad body arrogantly declared dominance was unnerving the child.

Wanting to ease him, Vrox fell to his knees. His head was now leveled with the child's, but nothing could be done about the broadness of his muscles.

"I'm not so scary now, yes? Will you tell me where your father is?"

The boy didn't reply. He simply stared with those dirt-colored eyes of his and breathed heavily. The injuries on his chest rose and fell with every breath he pulled. Vrox made a note to check the obscurity later, but first, he needed to get answers.

After multiple seconds, an alarming theory took shape. The child was covered in weird texture and had peculiar features. Could it be that he was mentally distraught?

Kira watched the thick brows of the alien furrow to form a purely human expression. It amazed her to see so much familiarity in a man that was literally out of her world. He was alien but similar, primal but intelligent.

To survive and reproduce– live and fuck, was the drive installed into every being on Earth. This male seemed to have been programmed the same way. His body was an impenetrable shield, but the rope that dangled between his legs was meant to penetrate much. It was impossible to not notice it. His cock was thick and long like the rest of him, loaded with the DNA needed to ensure the continuation of his species.

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