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She knew better than to complain as Vrox placed her on their bed and peeped outside. While she knew Akdronis well enough to decide to confront him, she didn't know the men that were coming their way. This was one of the instances where she needed to entrust her safety to Vrox.

Ni'ev and the others scrambled outside. Her heartbeat synced with their thundering footsteps, waiting for the worst to take down the gates.

"Did anyone see you?" Rokan asked.

"No," Draekon assured.

"This is good. We must act normal, then."

The men mumbled with an agreement, their tones cloudy with apprehension. Kira fanned out her dress, suddenly feeling hot. Suddenly, the sounds of the men's footsteps hushed, throwing her into silence. She was left wishing that the men's stomping returned just so she had something other than thoughts to focus on.

Someone sliced metal through a coat of fur, and Kyros faked a conversation with Ni'ev about pottery. Their theatrics of a calm group going about their day was interrupted by a thump on the gates, or was that her heartbeat? It was hard to distinguish the two.

"Mothers!" an unrecognizable voice boomed, competing against the knocks on the gates.

"Mothers!" Draekon returned. "Who are you?"

"I am L'andris. I am here with my brothers."

"And what is your business here?" Draekon continued.

"There is a rumor going around that a male was spotted with a female. We are looking for her."

Damn it! Someone must have seen Ak with Nebula or me when we were running around the fucking jungle.

Vrox tensed, and his claws stabbed the rocky wall he was clutching. She half-expected the roof to cave in on them.

"A female!" Kyros mocked. "Has your mind rotted? Did you forget about The Vanishing that happened fifteen snowfalls ago?"

"If you would open your gates, you would see that I am healthy in both mind and body."

"We have nothing to hide," Kyros continued, "so we will allow you inside our camp."

Vrox turned around to face her, his face conjuring an expression so dark that weakness plagued her knees. He dove into the large chests that sat behind the bed, opening the one stocked with linens and shoving them under the bed.

He looked at her, and she read his mind. With a gulp, she walked forward and stepped into the chest. It was broad enough to fit her if she bent properly, but it was far from being a luxurious bed.

She awkwardly hugged her knees to her chest and tried to ban discomfort from her face. Vrox hated when she so as much bent down to pick something up, so she could only imagine his horror to see her limbs twisted.

He fell to his knees and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, muttering, "I will be right here," before submerging her in darkness.

The gates slammed shut at the same time the chest did.

"I thought you said you were healthy, old man?" Kyros laughed. "You must be great at hunting during snowfalls, given that you probably camouflage into the snow with all that white hair."

"I may not be as young as I used to be, but I can hold a fight!" L'andris threw back.

"But can you mount a female? What is the point of looking for one if your cock no longer works?"

"Enough," a new voice cut in. "We will look for the female, and we will leave if we do not find her."

"What makes you think we have her?" Rokan asked.

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