5 : пять

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Leaves and sticks groaned with complaint whenever Kira took a step. Her alien guide didn't seem to have this problem. His steps betrayed his monstrosity of a body, raining silently on the ground.

She looked around for her baby blue purse, knowing that she needed to find it before a curious animal tried to chew its way into it.

Vrox looked at both their surroundings and the child, who seemed enthralled by something. He was throwing his head left and right in a fashion that any culture could recognize. Vrox was tempted to ask what he was looking for, but he knew that conversation would be fruitless.

A subtle tremble of the earth lassoed his attention away from the child. Since the soles of his bare feet were well-acquainted with the temperament of the planet, he instantly recognized what it meant.

He looked at the boy, who hadn't picked up the tremble. He was foolishly distracted, staring at the dirt instead of looking for the dozens of dangers camouflaged within the green.

To get his attention, Vrox's lifted his scaled hand and placed it on his scrawny shoulder. The way the child tensed made him frown. His reaction was too delayed. If Vrox was a predator, he would've been eaten already.


Kira took a step away to free herself from his hold.

The alien pointed to the ground with a nail, and then made a sinking motion. Heavy words slipped through his sharp teeth, but she wasn't able to catch them.

Growing frustrated, Vrox gripped Kira's wrist and began guiding her. Her wrist was a twig in comparison to the trunk of his hand. She hated the contrast. While Vrox's body bore proof of his strength, hers offered none. Her wit wasn't at all honored by her short, slim body.

Her scowl was dismissed by a grin when she spotted her purse. She tugged at Vrox's hold and pointed at it. He squinted in its direction before observing the ground.

It took a few seconds for him to resume walking. She was quick to follow, eyeing her purse as if it was a portal back to Earth. Her concentration met a sticky pause when her bare foot landed on a slobbery substance. She stumbled forward and then yelped when her second foot landed in the same trap.

Her arms flapped in search of both balance and her alien lifeguard. Her panicked hand met the security of his arm, and she clung onto it.

"Do not fight the ground," Vrox calmly instructed. "If you stay still and trust it, it will let you through."

As usual, she had no idea what he was going on about. "Do something!"

She desperately sought a vine to help her climb out of the muddy quicksand that was devouring her ankles. Vrox remained still beside her, seemingly suicidal.

Vrox huffed with frustration. With every shift, Kira made the situation worse. He reached for the pesky youth and ripped him from the ground.

Kira's squeal pierced the air. She fought him, even though she knew she wasn't getting anywhere. The only thing his embrace couldn't take from her was the will to live.

Vrox hugged her against his chest and nailed her temperament to a halt with a scolding glare. "Gun," he grunted.

Gun? Kira had heard that word before. It was the noise Vrox yelled when they met. When considering the context, she figured that the word has to mean stop or no.

She stopped her squirming. "Listen," she pleaded. "Can you chuck me out of here? There's no need for both of us to die, right?"

Vrox ignored her, choosing to study the top of her breasts, which were flattened against his chest. "I apologize for pressing onto your injury, but you were going to sink down to the bottom if I didn't stop your struggles. The ground will harden again soon, so it's best to stand still until then."

Kira, as usual, understood nothing. She glanced nervously at the quicksand. It was a quarter up his calves, and it didn't seem interested in stopping.

"Vrox," she laughed nervously. "We're adults. Let's talk about this civilly. It's not like we're cavem..." she coughed. "Um... Just get us out of here, yeah? Then we can laugh about this over a campfire or something. I've got to tell you, I'm great at making fires. When I was an undergrad, I set the science lab on fire on three different ocassions."

This chapter is short because it was edited



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