51 | The Wedding

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Fred trotted down the stairs, fixing the sleeves of his button up. When stepping on the last step he looked up, his breath hitching upon the sight. ''You look . . . so beautiful, love,'' he said, looking his girlfriend up and down.

Y/n's cheeks dusted pink at the compliment. ''Thanks, Freddie. You look rather dashing yourself.''

He smiled and looked her up and down again. Her periwinkle dress had a nice contrast to her skin and her e/c eyes popped out more. In Fred's eyes, she looked simply perfect.

Walking over to her, he put his arms around her waist, pulling her into himself. First he pressed a kiss to the side of her head, then her forehead, then her nose, her cheeks and finally reached her lips, placing a long kiss there. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss even further, causing him to moan quietly.

''Godric, this is the second time I walk in on people kissing and I've been awake for an hour!''

Y/n and Fred separated, looking towards the stairs to see George standing there and staring at the two. He, too, was dressed in a button up and dress pants, much like his brother. The difference being the color of the clothes and the crisp white bandages wrapped around George's head.

''I heard you traumatized Ginny,'' Y/n pointed out.

''She traumatized me first! Why were her and Harry kissing in the middle of the kitchen? I just wanted a cup of tea,'' George complained. ''Anyway Fred, Ron and Harry are going to be down shortly and told me we should go ahead to start greeting the guests.''

Fred groaned. ''Fine, give me a minute. I'm coming.'' George, fortunately, took the hint and walked away, leaving the two alone.

''Shouldn't you be with the bride? You're one of her bridesmaids, after all,'' Fred questioned.

''I was heading back up when you came,'' Y/n told him.

''Alright, I'll be seeing you before we have to walk down the aisle, right?''

''Yeah,'' Y/n said. Going on her tippy toes, she pressed a kiss to his lips. ''I have to go now, see you later.'' He watched her as she walked away until  she disappeared on the next floor.

- - -

Y/n had her arm wrapped around Fred's as the two of them walked down the aisle, fulfilling their roles of a bridesmaid and a groomsman. Separating at the end, Fred walked over to Bill's side, patting his shoulder on his way to my place next to Charlie, who was the best man.

Fleur arrived and the ceremony started. Fred observed Y/n as she watched the bride with a big smile on her face. That could only make him think of how his girlfriend would look in a wedding dress.

''So, how does it feel to be a married man?''

They'd finally managed to pull Bill away from his wife, giving him a break from greeting and thanking guests, so now the Weasley brothers – plus Harry – were having a conversation.

''It feels great,'' Bill said, taking a sip from his beverage. ''Don't worry, you'll know how it feels like soon enough.''

Fred chuckled, looking at Y/n, who was talking with Molly and Fleur. Smiling to himself, he didn't even realize he was staring until his brothers started laughing at him. ''You're so in love, Freddikins,'' Ron said, wrapping his arm around Fred's shoulders.

''Yeah, I am.''

''I'm going to throw the bouquet now!'' Fleur announced and all the unmarried girls lined up, Y/n included, ready to catch the bouquet that would supposedly determine who's going to get married next. ''One, two . . . three!''

''Wingardium Leviosa!'' Fred heard on my left. Turning in that direction he saw Ron and George looking at the bouquet, Ron point his wand at it. He was controlling the bouquet, making it fly down to the crowd of girls and straight into Y/n's arms.

''Good job,'' Bill said and saw the four of them high-fiving each other.

Fred raised an eyebrow. ''You planned this?''

Bill shrugged. ''Fleur suggested it.''

''I saw what you did, Ronald,'' Fred's favorite voice spoke and he turned to the shorter girl, seeing her still holding the bouquet close to her chest. Ron just grinned before getting dragged away along with Harry by Hermione, who'd come along with Y/n.

''So, you caught the bouquet?'' Fred asked, looking down at Y/n as George and Bill walked away, leaving them on their own.

''I mean, it was thrown at me, so I guess I sort of cheated.'' Y/n chuckled. ''At first I thought it was your idea and that you were about to . . .''

His face showed confusion as she trailed off. ''About to do what?''

Y/n's cheeks became pink. ''That you were about to drop on one knee.''

He felt his cheeks become warmer. She actually thought that? ''I wouldn't want to take the spotlight from Bill and Fleur on their special day,'' Fred confessed, suddenly becoming shy and looking at his shoes.

Y/n smiled. ''Understandable.''

''Would you like to dance?'' Fred asked after a moment of silence. She gave him a nod and went to leave the bouquet on one of the tables, then came back and grabbed my hand and dragged him to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck and Fred wrapped his around her waist, and the two swayed slowly, looking at each other's eyes lovingly.

Blue light flew through the roof of the tent, landing in the middle of the dance floor. Fred pulled Y/n away, keeping her close to himself as they observed the light, just like everyone else. A lynx formed and then the familiar voice spoke of Kingsley Shacklebolt.

''The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.''

He Calls Me Love | Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now