20 | Pick Up

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Hi love,

I'm sorry I haven't written to you since the end of the school year. I got all your letters, but Mum and Dad wouldn't let me answer until now.

You won't be able to come over this summer, since we aren't home, but you can come to the place we're currently at. I won't be able to write again, but we'll come to pick you up on the 15th of August, if you want to come. I'll come to visit you even if you don't want to come to our current home with me. I miss you very much.

Congratulations on passing your Apparation exam, love! I'm so proud of you, like always. George and I passed ours, too!

I'm sorry to keep this short, but I'll see you soon, I promise. I love you, love.

With much love,


P. S. Do you happen to know what happened to two shirts of mine? I can't find them.

Y/n smiled upon reading the letter, feeling as if a heavy weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Fred hadn't answered to her all summer and she'd started to get worried – was something wrong with him? Was he sick? Did he change his mind and didn't like her anymore?

This letter made all her old worries disappear, though new ones settled in. Why weren't they at the Burrow? Why wasn't Fred allowed to write to her? Was it because of Voldemort's return? She agreed that Voldemort is back. She hasn't seen him with her own eyes, thank Godric, but she believed Harry and Dumbledore. How else would've Cedric died, then?

Hermione and Ron haven't been responsive either – shed found out when she'd went to visit Harry at his house a few times this summer and found out both of them were in the dark. Harry seemed mad, but Y/n tried to reassure him that they probably had a reason not to tell them.

Her parents had agreed to let her go when she'd asked them, leaving out the part about You-Know-Who being back. They didn't need to worry, it has nothing to do with them anyway.

On the 15th of August, as she was packing her trunk, there was a knock on her bedroom door. ''Come in,'' she'd said, thinking it was probably her parents. She picked up one of the shirts she'd taken from Fred, folding it neatly to place in her trunk.

''So this is where my shirts were.''

Y/n's head shot up, seeing her favorite ginger. ''FRED!'' she called, jumping up from her crouching position. She wrapped her limbs around his upper body, clinging on like a koala. Fred wrapped an arm around her bottom and an arm around her back, supporting her so she won't fall.

''Hello, love,'' Fred said, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. The two stood like that for a few moments before Y/n pulled back slightly, still holding on Fred. She pressed her lips against his and he pressed back, moaning lowly, not having kissed her for almost two months.

Fred walked backwards, sitting down on her bed, Y/n ending up sitting on his lap. The two continued kissing, completely forgetting they were supposed to go back to wherever Fred and his family was staying at.


Y/n jumped off of Fred, landing next to him from fright. George had entered the room and apparently neither of them had heard him. ''Oi, George, what the hell?''

''Dad sent me to check up on you two, you were taking too long!'' George said, his hand uncovering his eyes. ''As busy as you are, you should hurry up. You can suck each other's faces off when we go back.'' With that George turned around and closed the door behind himself as he exited.

Y/n fell back on her bed, her face completely red. Fred chuckled at her state, laying down on his side next to her, propping his head on his hand. He placed his other hand on her cheek, caressing it slowly. ''I missed you.''

''I missed you, too, Freddie,'' Y/n said, looking at his eyes, her face still red.

Fred leaned down, giving her a quick peck, then stood up, pulling her with him as well. ''C'mon, I'll help you pack. I have the feeling Dad would be mad we took so long.''

With Fred's help, Y/n managed to pack the remainder of her luggage quicker. The two walked downstairs and Y/n greeted Mr. Weasley.

''Fred?'' D/n name spoke, causing the boy to look up. ''Can I have a word?''

The boys' eyes widened and he looked down at his girlfriend in panic, though she just beckoned him to go, assuring him it would be fine. He was about to get the talk, how was that fine? ''Of course.''

When they were in the kitchen, D/n could see that Fred was tense. ''Don't be so scared, Fred, I won't kill you.''

''Yeah . . . I know,'' Fred said. ''What did you want to talk about, sir?''

''No need to call me sir, Fred, I've known you for years and you're dating my daughter. Just call me by my name,'' D/n said and Fred nodded in relief. ''I wanted to talk to you about Y/n.''

Fred cocked an eyebrow. ''What about Y/n? Is there something wrong with her?''

''Your father told me what's been happening in that Wizarding World of yours when we went out once,'' D/n admitted. ''Y/n hasn't mentioned it, so I assume she didn't want to worry us, but we know about You-Know-Who being back.''


''I just wanted you to promise me something,'' D/n said.

Fred nodded. ''Anything.''

''Just . . . protect Y/n. Please.''

He nodded again. ''I've been looking out for her since we were in our first year and I don't intend to ever stop. I promise.''

''Thank you, Fred,'' D/n said and clapped the boy on the back, causing him to stumble slightly forward from the force. ''You're a good guy. Perfect for my little girl.''

Fred blushed. ''Thank you, sir – er, D/n.''

The two walked back out of the kitchen, Y/n looking at Fred with an expecting look. Her boyfriend nodded, showing her everything was fine, causing the girl to smile. Y/n bid goodbye to her parents, then the four of them apparated in front of Number 12, Grimmwald Place.

Y/n had greeted everyone and was shown to the room she would be sharing with Hermione and Ginny, supposedly. That night she changed in her night gown, then left the room and headed for the twins'. She asked them if she could sleep there, which they allowed her to, then Fred opened his blanket for her. She crawled inside the bed, wrapping her arms around his clothed torso, and fell in a peaceful slumber. 

He Calls Me Love | Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now