28 | Secrets

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A yawn escaped her lips as she made it to the common room, hearing Hermione scold the twins. She walked over, sharing a look with Ron, who merely shook his head. Hermione noticed the seventh year and turned to her. ''Ah, Y/n, there you are! Can you please tell them that it's not a good idea to test their products on first years!''

She turned to the twins, arms crossed in front of her chest. ''You're testing products out on first years?''

''Yes,'' George admitted.

''But we're paying them!'' Fred added, as if that made the situation better.

Y/n shook her head. ''You shouldn't be doing this.''

''See, Y/n agrees with me,'' Hermione said. ''Next time I catch you, I'll write to your mother!''

The twins gasped as they looked at her. ''You wouldn't!''

''Oh, I would,'' she said, then marched off to continue her duties as a Prefect.

Y/n shook her head as the twins looked at her again. ''I'm disappointed in you two,'' she said, causing their faces to fall. ''Testing products in front of Hermione? I though you two were smarter.'' The twins realized she was joking and rolled their eyes at her.

As weeks passed, more and more educational decrees were put up by Umbridge. One of them she put when she found out about Fred and George's business, at which she'd announced that if someone was to be found in possession of sweets from an 'unauthorized supplier' will be expelled. There was one that prohibited boys and girls of being closer than eight inches from each other, because of which Y/n and Fred now spent most of their alone time in Gryffindor Tower.

Umbridge had also decided to start interviewing both teachers and students alike, going as far as sacking Professor Trelawney. Fortunately for Y/n, neither she or her friends had been interviewed yet.

Additional to that, they had not learned a single thing that would help the seventh years in their NEWTs and the fifth years in the OWLs. Both Y/n and Hermione found that ridiculous and after a conversation about it, Hermione ran away, claiming she'd had an idea. Y/n simply shrugged and went back to the common room, where the twins and Lee where passing fireworks to each other.

She sat down next to Fred, pecking his cheek, whilst he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. The four conversed until Hermione approached them, her face glowing. ''Guys, meet us in the Hog's Head this Saturday at noon, okay? We have a plan about the Defence Against the Dark Arts situation.'' She'd ran off after the four had agreed.

''What's she blabbing about?'' George asked and Y/n proceeded to tell them about their conversation.

The morning after, the twins, Y/n and Lee were at Hogsmade, each of them bundled in scarfs and hats. Y/n had, once again, one of Fred's hats on her head, the boy having accepted that he was most likely not getting his possessions back.

Having some spare time before the meeting, the four went to Honeydukes, where Fred had bought him and his girlfriend a chocolate wand each. Y/n, in turn, bought two chocolate frogs, causing Fred to protest about her spending money on him. ''You always do it for me!'' she'd reasoned. Molly had raised him too well.

There were quite a few people at Hermione's meeting. There were a few Ravenclaws and a few Hufflepuffs aside from Gryffindors, but there were no Slytherins, but that wasn't surprising. It didn't take long for Hermione to arrive, accompanied by Harry and Ron, as usual.

Hermione told everyone about her idea of Harry being their teacher for Defence Against the Dark Arts, since he had experience in that field and was very good at the subject itself. Everyone was convinced, even though there was a small disagreement, then Hermione made everyone sign a piece of parchment as sort of a contract.

Fred passed Y/n the parchment, the girl signing her name under his before passing it to Lee. After Harry had told everyone to look for a place they can practice at and to keep the group a secret, the meeting ended, Fred and Y/n parting ways to go on a date.

They sat down at a booth in the Three Broomsticks, each of them ordering a glass of Butterbeer. Y/n was telling him about something that'd happened during Herbology class a few days before, though Fred seemed really distracted and appeared to not be listening to her, so Y/n decided to test him.

''And now I'm pregnant with your baby,'' Y/n said, looking up at him.

Fred nodded. ''That sounds really great, love,'' he said, then realized what she'd said. ''Wait, what? We haven't done it yet, have we? You can't be pregnant!''

''I'm not pregnant, I was messing with you,'' Y/n admitted and Fred visibly relaxed. ''You weren't listening to me. What's bothering you? Was I boring you?''

Fred's eyes widened. ''No, no, nothing like that! I was just thinking, I'm sorry I wasn't listening.''

''Then what's up?'' Y/n asked, putting her hand on his cheek, which he leaned into. ''You know you can tell me everything, right?''

''Of course,'' Fred said, then took a deep breath. ''Do you remember, when you asked me during the summer if I'm hiding something from you?''

Y/n nodded her head. ''Yeah.''

''I lied,'' Fred admitted, causing Y/n's eyes to widen. All sorts of thoughts ran through her head until he spoke again. ''George and I have enough money and products to start the joke shop. We've also found a store.''

''But that's good, isn't it?'' Y/n asked in confusion. Why had he had the need to hide something like this from her?

''Because George and I aren't staying until the end of the year.'' Fred told her. ''We've decided to leave the day the fifth years are writing their first OWL.''

''Why didn't you tell me earlier?'' I asked. ''It's not like I'd get mad. Yes, I'll miss you like crazy, but it'll be only two months, right? We can write to each other, it's not like we're splitting up or anything.''

''I'm sorry I didn't tell you,'' Fred said and brought her in a hug. ''But I've been rethinking it, now seeing how horrible Umbridge is. I don't want to leave you alone.''

''Don't be silly, Fred, I won't be alone.'' Y/n pulled away from him, putting both her hands on his cheeks. ''I want you to run away as planned and start the shop. You'll see how fast these two months would fly by. I'll be there and helping in no time, I promise.''

''Love, you're the best,'' he said as he leaned to kiss her on the lips.

''I know,'' she mumbled just before our lips met.

He Calls Me Love | Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now