47 | Acceptance

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A yawn escaped her lips as she poured the coffee in the three mugs – one for her, one for Fred and one for George. It wasn't very early, but the three had stayed up late the night before to finish some orders so they would arrive at Hogwarts by the morning.

There was a tap on the window. Y/n and the twins looked up, noticing an owl that was waiting to be let in the apartment. Fred stood up and opened the window, letting the bird inside. It dropped a Daily Prophet newspaper and a few letters and waited to be paid. George took out a galleon from his pocket and put in the small pouch, whilst Fred snatched the newspaper. The owl flew away as Y/n brought the three mugs to the table.

''Anything interesting?'' Y/n asked as she sat down.

''Stan Shunpike was arrested,'' Fred spoke, reading the headline of the Daily Prophet.

''Isn't he the one who works at the Knight Bus?'' asked George, followed by a 'thank you' as Y/n handed him his mug.

''Yeah,'' Fred answered. ''Supposedly he was a Death Eater.''

''Blimey,'' George and Y/n chorused.

Y/n took a sip of her coffee as she picked up the stack of letters. Most of them were orders from Hogwarts, so she set them aside so they can go through those later.

Her breath hitched and both Fred and George looked at her in concern. ''Are you alright, love?'' Fred asked, putting the newspaper down.

''It's from the Ministry,'' Y/n told them, not looking away from the letter.

''The Ministry?'' George asked in confusion.

''She sighed up for Auror training, remember?'' Fred reminded his brother before looking back at his girlfriend. She looked at the twins, then back at the papers. It felt like the day she got her NEWT results back. Taking the paper out, she read:

Dear Ms Y/n L/n,

We have looked over your application for the Auror training and have come to a decision. Your NEWT results are remarkable, alike your grades overall for all of your seven years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Professor Minerva McGonagall has contacted us, sending a recommendation about you, which immediately led us to a decision.

Congratulations, Miss L/n, you are now part of the Auror Training Program.

Please contact us as soon as possible so we can arrange a meeting to talk about how your lessons would go.

Gawain Robads,

Head of Auror Office

''OH MY GODRIC,'' Y/n exclaimed, standing up from her seat and rereading the letter. ''THEY ACCEPTED ME!''

The twins congratulated her, pulling her in a group hug. Fred lingered when George detached himself. ''I knew they'd take you, love,'' Fred said, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Y/n smiled and looked at the letter again. ''Professor McGonagall sent me a recommendation.''

Both of the twin's eyes widened. ''Blimey, McGonagall's the best,'' Fred said, causing the other two to laugh and agree.

''Hey, do you want to invite Angie and Lee to celebrate?'' George asked when Y/n and Fred separated from the hug.

''I haven't even become an official Auror yet,'' Y/n laughed.

''I know, but it's more of an excuse to meet up,'' George admitted. ''We haven't had much time for gatherings nowadays.''

- - -

''Lee!'' Y/n heard the twins yell, which was followed by a grunt. She snorted, knowing the twins had probably tackled their friend.

Y/n steered the food she was cooking, not having let the twins in the kitchen since they'll most likely end up making a mess. Instead, they were in charge of greeting the guests.

''Godric, they let you do all the cooking by yourself, didn't they? I shouldn't be surprised.'' Y/n turned around and saw Angelina standing behind her.

''I kicked them out of the kitchen, actually,'' Y/n said and the two girls laughed as they embraced each other.

''Hi, Lee!'' Y/n greeted when then guys entered the kitchen.

''Hey there, L/n,'' Lee said and he, along with the twins, sat on the kitchen table.

''Let me help you,'' Angelina suggested as she stood next to Y/n. ''Why aren't you using magic, though?''

''She never uses magic in the kitchen,'' Fred piped in, having heard the question.

Y/n laughed. ''Force of habit,'' Y/n said. ''You don't have to help me, though. It's almost done anyway.''

After she finished cooking, Fred helped Y/n serve the food and the five of them sat down to eat. They kept a light conversation going and before they knew it, they'd finished their food and the twins were bringing out cake for dessert.

''So, you and George?'' Y/n asked Angelina as she sipped on her drink. The boys were too busy with their own conversation, so they wouldn't hear the girls.

Angelina blushed. ''Yeah,'' she said and Y/n wiggled her eyebrows.

- - -

George had asked Angelina to walk her home when it was time for her and Lee to leave. She agreed, even though she could've simply apparated. That left Y/n and Fred alone to clean up.

''It seems so weird that we're considered adults now,'' Fred said as he and Y/n sat down on the couch. ''I miss pranking Snape.''

''Yeah, me too,'' Y/n admitted, snuggling closer to Fred.

Fred placed a kiss to the side of her head. She looked up at him and pecked his lips, to which he smiled and pulled her closer, pressing his lips to hers. Y/n let out a sound, showing Fred she was enjoying it.

He slowly pushed her on the couch, resting his arms next to her head so he can hover over her, never breaking the kiss. His tongue swiped on her bottom lip and Y/n opened her mouth, granting him entrance. She didn't even bother to fight him for dominance.

They haven't kissed like this in a while.

He ran his hand under her shirt, his touches almost ghost-like and yet they made her skin burn. He pulled away, giving both of them a chance to breath. Y/n's cheeks were red whilst his eyes were half-lidded, both of them breathing like they'd just ran a marathon.

''You know,'' Fred panted. ''George won't be back for a while.''

Y/n smiled as he picked her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her to his room, kicking the door to close it before locking it.

He Calls Me Love | Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now