1 | Letters

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Dear Y/n,

Hello, love, how are you? We're doing fine, been working on products most of the summer. Would you happen to have come up with something, by the way? :)

I'm writing to inform you that Dad's got a few tickets for the Quidditch World Cup final from work! Isn't that great? He said we have a few spare tickets, so Harry and Hermione will be joining us. There was one ticket left, so George and I asked Dad if we could invite you as well and he said it was fine!

So, Y/n, want to come to the Quidditch World Cup with us? Please say yes!

It's going to be a few days before school starts, so you can stay at the Burrow until then if you want and your parents allow you to. It's fine with everyone. Send your answer back with Errol as soon as possible, please! I'm hoping you'll come!


Freddie Boy :)

Y/n smiled upon reading the letter, rereading it a few times to make sure she wasn't imagining things. Not only was she invited to go to the Quidditch World Cup, but she was invited by none other than Fred himself! One could say she was beyond excited.

She rushed down the stairs of her house, clutching the letter tightly in her hand. Her parents were in the living room, watching TV when she approached them, a big grin on her face. ''Mum, Dad?''

Both her parents turned towards her and away from the movie they were watching, confusion painted over their faces as they noticed their daughter's expression. ''Yes, honey?'' her dad was the one to ask.

''Fred's just owled me and he said his Dad's got a few tickets for the Quidditch World Cup,'' Y/n said, handing them the letter so they can confirm it for themselves. ''He's invited me to go with them and then stay at their house for the last few days of the holidays? Can I go?''

Her parents looked at each other skeptically after both of them had skimmed through the letter. Y/n did not like these looks. ''Mom, Dad, please! I won't have another chance to go to a World Cup for the next four years! And that's if I manage to get tickets! And it's the finals! Please!''

Her mom sighed, then handed her back her letter. ''Alright, you can go. But promise us to be very careful.''

Y/n beamed and went over to hug her parents. ''Thank you so much!''

On her way back to her room she grabbed a piece of bread, then headed up. She gave the food to Errol before seating herself on her desk, picking up a pen and a piece of paper, then writing her answer to Fred. After she'd done that, she tied the letter to the Weasley's owl and sent him off.

She sighed in delight as she laid down on her bed, eager to get Fred's answer back.

- - -

Fred's messy writing covered almost the whole page of the small notebook, yet the boy kept on writing. He was laying on his bed, his twin on the one next to his in their shared room, each of them writing order forms for their joke products.

''We could sell the wands for a galleon each,'' Fred suggested as he wrote down the word 'name'.

''I suppose that's a good idea,'' George nodded. ''We're still putting the candy in a box like Bertie Bott's, right?''

Fred nodded, not looking away from his piece of parchment. ''Yeah, though we still haven't picked the colors for the box, have we?''

''No, not yet.'' George shook his head.

''Fred!'' the two heard Ron yell from downstairs, cutting their conversation short. ''You have a letter from Y/n!''

The older twin looked up upon the mention of the girl's name. He put his quill down, then rushed out of the room. He sped down the stairs and towards the kitchen where Ron stood, holding a letter in his hand, while Errol stood on the table.

''Eager, aren't we, Freddikins?'' Ron teased his older brother with a smirk.

''Quiet, Ronald,'' Fred said as he moved to take the letter, though Ron held it away from Fred, holding it above his head.

''Don't call me Ronald!''

Fred raised an eyebrow at his younger brother's actions, reaching and taking the letter from Ron with ease, seeing as he was taller. The younger Weasley grumped, though Fred paid him no mind as he made his way back upstairs. George didn't ask his twin anything when Fred entered the room and sat on his bed, knowing his brother was too excited to even bother to answer him.

Dearest Frederick,

Thank you very much for inviting me! I'll be happy to come and my parents are fine with it! Can't wait to see you! I've missed you!


(silly nickname)

P. S. you should make something to be able to listen in on other people's conversations.

Fred couldn't help the grin that took over his face at her short note. He clutched the piece of 'muggle pachment', rereading it a few times to make sure he wasn't imagining things.

''What'd she say?'' asked George, causing Fred to return to the real word and try to bite his smile away.

''Yeah, she's coming,'' Fred said and laid down on his bed.

''You're helpless, aren't you?'' George laughed at his brother's love-struck gaze.

Fred paid no mind to his brother's words. Instead he got up, sitting at the desk and taking out a piece of parchment and another quill, writing down the details about the Quidditch Cup, then putting it in an envelope and sealing it. He left it on the desk, deciding to owl it to her tomorrow. Errol had flown enough today – Fred wasn't sure how he was still standing.

Laying back on his bed and resuming his work, only one thought lurked in his mind. He couldn't wait for her to come.

He Calls Me Love | Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat