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     Joe and Connor heaved the now filled duffle bag onto the divider between the front seats. Bill told them not to touch anything because they were very old and valuable, but they persuade him to let them after fervently promising they would not damage what meant so much to them. So they proceeded to pull out several old notebooks, an old pocket watch, and several other items that don't look like they have much monetary value. But then Joe pulled out one last thing: a magnificent statue of a Phoenix. "It's solid gold, too," Connor told Penelope as he turned it her way. It's diamond eyes stared back at her, they were literally made of diamonds. Wow, that had to be worth a fortune. Now I was really scared; I was the prisoner of three guys that had just stolen a solid gold statue! Where were they going? And what would happen me?
A/N- Sorry this chapter is shorter, it just fit with the flow of the story. The next one will be longer.

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