9-Change of Plans

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Connor let go of my mouth and didn't even gag me again. I could see the trailer up ahead. As we neared, my parent's car pulled into the driveway. Bill and Joe stepped out of the car, and Connor called over to them from the edge of the woods. "What happened?" Joe asked. Connor then told them about me trying to escape and how I had called the police.
"That's not good," Bill's face darkened. "We need to get away from here. Everyone, get in the car!"
"Where are we going?" Joe asked.
"One of my buddies has a cabin down by the lake. He said I could use it if I was ever in a tight situation. I think this counts as a good time to use it," Bill answered. Then he came over to me and grabbed my wrists and tightened the ropes that bound them. Everyone hurried into the car and we headed down to the lake.
Every bump in the road led us further into the forest. The trees grew thicker and more concentrated. I started to worry. What if the police couldn't find me now that we were moving? My hope was dwindling, especially once we pulled up to the cabin, which looked much more like a shack in my opinion. It was surrounded by trees, and its windows were boarded up. "Swimming time!" Connor shouted.
"There's probably some spare swim trunks up in the cabin," Bill advised.
Connor grabbed the end of my rope and led me over to the lake, "Sorry we can't untie you to swim, but at least you can dip your toes in." He seemed genuinely sorry about my condition, but I think he was afraid what would happen to him if he let me get away again. I saw Bill take Connor aside before we left, and when he came back she looked frightened.
After Connor tied the end of my rope to a tree, he went up to the cabin with the rest of the guys. A few moments later they came out in ridiculous matching swim trunks: bright pink flamingos clashed against blue fabric. I stifled a laugh. Connor did a front drop into the lake from a wooden plank that acted as a diving board.
"Ha! I can beat that!" Joe exclaimed. Then he did a stunning double backflip and landed feet first in the water without much of a splash.
"Look out below!" Bill bellowed. He swung towards the lake on a thick rope hanging from a tall tree. Unlike Joe, his cannonball caused a ginormous splash. Even though I was at least ten feet away, I still ended up getting splashed.

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