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     Connor reached back and ripped my blanket so he had a strip of cloth. He wrapped it around my mouth and secured it with a knot. In spite of myself, I tried to call out for help, but it was muffled by the cloth. "Good job, Connor. Now let's get our act together. We're one block from the museum; remember what we're here for." Bill got out of the front seat and opened the back door. He threw a huge duffle bag to Joe, then grabbed the remaining part of my blanket and threw it over me. I heard the doors slam and running footsteps. It seemed like they were gone forever. Seeing as I could not escape, and believe me, I tried, I devoted my time to thinking about all the ways they could fail, just to lift my spirits. Sadly, everything pointed to them succeeding. This was clearly a well-planned heist.
I heard footsteps that were even faster than the first ones. Three of the car doors were yanked open, and I could feel someone brush quickly past my legs. The engine started but everyone was quiet. After ten minutes of driving at a speed I was sure was past the limit, I could hear the distant wailing of sirens. They must have been successful with their robbery. After ten more minutes, when we were too far away to hear the sirens, the van burst into cheers and laughter. "We did it!" "Good job boys!" We're gonna be rich!"
My blanket was pulled off me. I turned away, ashamed I still hadn't managed to escape. "So how'd we do, darling?" Connor asked, obviously over-excited after his successful theft. My face flushed ruby red, almost matching my flaming hair.

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