8-Talk In the Woods

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A/N- This chapter is cringe to me, but I thought this was the best was to move the story along.
    It took longer than I thought to get back. Connor was walking with his head down, but he was still pulling me onward. It was weird. I understand why he would be angry with me for calling the police, but it looked like he was sad. Was he just worried about going to jail? I wanted to ask, but I was still gagged. I had stopped watching the rocky ground. "MM!" I tried to scream as I tripped over a rock. As I fell, a twig gashed my leg. Tears sprung to my eyes. Connor rushed over. He took a bandage from his back pocket and placed it lengthwise over my fresh wound. It wasn't long enough, but it was really nice of him. I looked up at Connor's face. His eyes were red and puffy, as if he's been crying. This confirmed it. There was something more to this theft. Connor started walking again, but before the rope could pull me forward, I leaned over to the twig that cut me and used it to rip out my gag. Connor didn't see me do it. "There's something more to this robbery than just getting money, isn't there?" Connor jumped at the sound of my voice. I walked closer to him. "What is it?" I asked. "Does it have anything to do with the notebooks and other things you stole from the museum?" Connor's face softened, then turned angry.
    "Don't ask about that again!" He yelled.
    "C'mon! I know there's something you're not telling me. Wha-" I was stopped once again as Connor clamped his hand on my mouth. I could see a tear brimming in the corner of his eye.
    "Ok! I'll tell you!" He yelled. "Yes, it is about those other things we stole from the museum. They were our grandmothers, but she's dead now. Our grandpa is still alive but not doing well without Grandma. We begged the museum to let us have her things, but they said because they were not given to anyone in the will that they would be used for the museum. Grandpa is being flown into town tomorrow from New Mexico so he can die in the town he married Grandma in. We thought if we brought him his wife's journals and things he would stay alive longer. He has been our father figure since our real dad died when I was five."

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