22. Manal

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It had been two days since the last incident with Farida. She never made any efforts to see me. I did not either. I was done trying to prove my innocence to her. Had it been she trusted me, none of these would have happen. Hala was right when she told me to forget Farida and that she wasn't worth my attention.

I had been trying to not think about her, but I was having a hard time doing that. I was so used to her. Other than my family, she used to be the only one who totally understood me. I loved her like a sister and that was why her betrayal hurt me terribly. I never knew she could turn against me in the way she did. It was uncalled for.

We had just finish our first lecture of the day. Hala and I were walking to the next lecture venue, when Hala nudged me by the side and gazed questionably at me. "In which planet are you? I have been talking to you and you've been ignoring me."

"Sorry." I muttered. "What is it?"

"I'm so tired." She groaned. "And the this scorching sun isn't helping matters. Let's sit and rest, please."

"Okay." I responded. I was equally as tired anyway.

We took a seat on a bench, under an umbrella tree. I took in a deep breath, enjoying the breeze. "I feel like lying down here." I voiced. The place was neat, quiet and the air was good. The combination was perfect.

"Because of this small breeze?" Hala sneered. "Instead of that, why don't you tell your father to buy you a car? I mean, it would make things easier for us. We get to go to class on time, we don't have to walk under the scorching sun. Plus, we get to enjoy the AC!"

"A car?" I chuckled. "Ummi is never going to be in support of that."


"Apparently, she still sees me as a child."

"But you're almost eighteen."

"But I'm not eighteen yet."

"Even so. She should stop seeing you as a child. You're an adult now."

"Okay. Should I call her, so that you can tell that directly to her?"

"Come on, I was just joking." She rolled her eyes. "But on a serious note, it'd be nice if they buy you a car. Your parents are so rich. And don't even ask me how I know. I have my ways of finding things out."

I hummed. I had not really thought of that before. I didn't really think it was necessary, but Hala's words served as an eye-opener to me. "I'm not sure if they're going to listen to me, but I will try talking to abii. The last time we spoke lengthily over the phone, he promised to get me whatever I want, if I pass my exams with flying colours."

"Really?" Hala enthused. "You're a genius. That shouldn't be a problem."

I wished I was, then Farouq wouldn't have been able to deceive and use me the way he did. Since that fateful day, we hadn't crossed paths again. He left, like he didn't just walk into our lives and cause havoc - not that I wanted him to be around though. "I'm not."

"That's what all geniuses say." Hala slurred. "I'm already imagining how cool this will be. As your best friend, I get to sit in the front seat, when we go out to class, parties -"

"I don't go to parties."

Hala rolled her eyes and continued; "you will also teach me how to drive - wait, can you even drive?"

"No." I chuckled. "Abii has always wanted to teach me, but Ummi stopped him. She said I was too young to be taught how to drive. But I don't think it's such a hard task. I can easily learn during holidays."

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