95: Manal

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If you're reading this right now, please pray for my father 🥺 he recently passed away. 

I never believed the myth about girls looking their best on their wedding day and people wanting to be around them, until Farida. She wasn't even donned in her dress yet, but she looked exceptionally beautiful. Her makeup wasn't too heavy, but definitely not light.

There was a certain glow that shimmered in her eyes whenever she spoke about her husband to be. I couldn't help but wonder if I'd have the same reaction when my time arrives.

Time would tell.

I knew Farida had friends, but I didn't know she had so many friends. By many friends, I mean uncountable friends. Her room was practically filled to the brim, and we were compressed like sardines. The majority of them wanted to steal my position as her best friend by claiming to know her the most, acting all familiar with her mum, and stuff like that. I wasn't bothered because I knew none of them could steal my spot in her life. Not only did she consider me her best friend in the world, but I was also going to be her one and only sister-in-law soonest.

I stepped out of the house to get some air.

Jawaad was about to get into his car and leave for somewhere when I saw him.

"Jawaad!" I called out. I didn't even mind the number of eyes that were on me at that moment. It had been more than twenty hours since we last had a proper conversation. It hurt to think he didn't have any time to spare for me. I was always the one finding ways to speak to him.

Jawaad shut the door and turned around. "Manal." He called.

I walked up to him. "Are you leaving again?"

"Yes," he sighed. "I came here to take some stuff to the other house. I have a few guests there."

I hummed; my gaze fixated on the kaftan he was donned in. He looked extremely good in it. I wished I could take a photo of him.

"I have to go," he spoke, breaking me out of my reverie.

"Wait!" I couldn't stop myself from stopping him. "So soon?"

"I just told you I have a few guests waiting for me in my house. I can't leave them by themselves for a long time."

"It will just be for a few minutes." I fidgeted my fingers. "Don't you want to talk to me?"

He puffed out his cheeks. "What are we doing right now?"

Hurt, I replied; "You can ahead and meet your guests."


"It's fine. I understand that they are more important than me." I said, then turned to leave.

"Fine!" He sighed. "Get in the car."

A triumphant smile curved my lips, but I made sure to mask my smile before turning back around and getting into his car. "You look good." I voiced. I couldn't keep it in anymore. His grumpy face made him look even more attractive to me.


"Is that what you want us to talk about?" Jawaad narrowed his eyes at me.

I frowned. "You seem displeased to have me here. You'd rather be with your friends?" I was nagging, I knew,  and I was enjoying every bit of it. I didn't know what got into me, but I wanted to look to frustrate him a little. He should know how it feels to be frustrated. I had been frustrated about his unbothered attitude.

"You know that's not true," he sighed. "I just don't want to keep people waiting for me. It's not nice at all."

I understood, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "But it's nice dodging me every time?"

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