20. Manal

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Ever since Farida's confrontation, I hadn't been myself. That night, I could not bring myself to sleep, as Farida's awful words against me, kept on troubling me. Thankfully, the next day was a Saturday. I didn't have to attend any lectures.

After fajr prayer, I folded the mat and went back to my bed. I didn't know about others, but I had a feeling Hala was ignoring me. After the way I snapped at her yesterday, it was justified. I made a mental note to apologize to her later.

I was still engrossed in my thoughts, when Hala came to sit beside me, on the bed.

"After how you spoke to me yesterday, I'm supposed to be mad at you, but" she paused for a while, before continuing. "Because you're my best friend in this school, I will let it slide."

"I'm sorry." I apologized. I realized just how rudely I had behaved with her, when she was only trying to defend me. "I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"That's correct." She rolled her eyes. "You shouldn't have, but, like I said, I have forgiven you already. I know you didn't mean to."

"Thank you." I gave a tight lipped smile. I really appreciated her for understanding.

"What happened?" Hala inquired. "I thought you said she's your childhood friend."

I hummed; unsure if I should tell her or not.

"You can trust me. I promise not to judge you."

"She's accusing me of flirting with her fiancé, Farouq." I opened up. "She overheard him professing his love for me."

"So she jumped into the conclusion that you've been seeing him behind her back?"

Sullenly, I nodded. "I really didn't know Farouq would say that to me. I...I only gave him my number because he deceived me into doing that. This is all his fault. I have a feeling he did all these deliberately. There is no way he couldn't have seen Farida standing behind me. I believe he said those words right then, because he wanted her to hear it."

"But why would he want that?" She reasoned. "Farouq seems like a nice guy. Maybe he truly does love you. That Farida is a hellcat. I wonder how Farouq managed to put up with her. She's so full of herself."

"Farida isn't like that." I defended. In spite of everything that had transpired between the both of her, I could not bear to listen to Hala say bad things about her. "She was just hurt, that's all."

"She was hurt. Yes. No one is denying the fact, but that doesn't justify her action. How could she just come in here and slap you? Aswear you vex me yesterday." (I swear, I was vexed by your action, yesterday) she seethed. "You should have retaliated. I'm surprised you still feel the need to defend her."

"That's because I know her well. We've been friends for a long time. Farida acted that way, because she was deeply hurt."

"See, let me tell you something; if you don't stand up for yourself now, she will continue to hurt and harass you."

"She won't do that to me." I shook my head. She may be angry with me at the moment, but I was certain she will calm down and apologize to me later on.

"Me, I have told you my own. The sooner you stand up for yourself, the better it would be for you. I love you, that's why I'm telling you this. The next time Farida tries to mess with you, you shouldn't allow her." Hala instigated. "If you think you won't be able to take her on alone, then you should tell me. I will personally deal with her."

"Please don't say that, Hala. It hasn't gotten to that yet. In shaa Allah, (God's willing) nothing of a such will happen."

"If you say so." She shrugged. "I cooked spaghetti. Do you want some?"

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