57: Manal

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Let's continue from where we stopped, shall we?

Meeting Jawaad's mum wasn't the best experience for me, but I definitely wouldn't call it a flop.

Though she said some pretty awkward stuff, I found her really amusing. Unlike Ummi, she didn't seem or sound so strict. She was so welcoming. And based on how she treated me, I could tell she liked me a lot, even before she actually made that known to me.

The one thing that had been on my mind, ever since I left the house a week ago, was what she told me about wanting Jawaad and I to get married as soon as possible.

I liked Jawaad. I really did, but the thought of getting married was really scary for me. I didn't know why, but I couldn't get rid of the eerie thoughts.

Am I really sure he's the one I want to get married to?

Indisputably, the answer to the question was a big, fat yes, but still, the thought lingered on.

Perhaps, I was just overthinking...as usual.

I sighed. "Focus, Manal!" I got out of bed and ambled to the bathroom to perform my morning routines.

"So, Manal," Ummi began.

I was busy chopping vegetables, while she provided moral support.

"You wanted to speak to me about something, yesterday?"

"Huh?" I furrowed my brows in incomprehension. "No, I—oh!" I mentally cringed, as I recalled what she was talking about.

After Jawaad, accompanied by Farida, had brought me back home, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about what Jawaad's mum had told me, so I decided to confide in ummi, but she ended up practically shooing me away, because according to her, she had lots and lots of things on her mind. I was tempted to ask her about it. If I could confide in her, then, she should be able to confide in me too. I might not be the best advisor, but surely, I knew I'd be able to help in some way.

Even though I was scared out of my skin, I wanted to tell Ummi all about Jawaad. I wanted to know what her opinion was, but unfortunately she had to send me away.

Actually, I was surprised she brought up the topic. I thought she would have forgotten.

"What did you want to discuss with me?" She stood, akimbo.

Her posture was kinda of hilarious. looked as though she was ready to scold me for a crime committed.

I shook my head. "It's nothing...nothing important." I continued chopping the veggies—this time, a little carelessly.

"If you don't cut those carefully, you're going to hurt yourself." Ummi pointed out.

I hummed and dropped the knife on the counter. "I don't know if I should tell you this now..." My voice trailed.

"What is it?" Ummi asked with keen interest.

"It's...in school, I..." I gulped. "Farida's..."

"If you want to talk, talk! Stop wasting my time. I have better things to attend to."

For the umpteenth time, I took in a deep breath and exhaled.

I shouldn't be so nervous. It wasn't as if I had committed a crime and wanted to come clean.

This should be easy.

"Ummi, I think I have found someone I really like."

Ummi's brows furrowed.

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