12: Manal

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Weeks turned into months, and admissions were finally out. I had initially thought I wouldn't be granted admission, but luckily, I was granted admission to study food science and technology.

When I checked the portal, online and discovered I had gotten admission, I was ecstatic. Like every other teenager, I couldn't wait to leave home, for the first time ever. Without a doubt, I was sad, for I would miss home, especially abii and Ummi, but the happiness I felt, overshadowed the sadness. I wanted to be able to live the feeling of being independent. At least, for once in my life.

The sound of my ringtone pulled me out of my reverie. My lips spread into a smile at the caller's ID "Hello? Ririe! Guess what!"

"You've been admitted to study in A.B.U?"

"That's right!" I exclaimed. "How about you?"

"Hmm..." She hummed and then her voice trailed.

Oh no!

"You...didn't...?" I couldn't even bring myself to complete my sentence. I wouldn't know what to do if she didn't gain admission. I'd probably forfeit the admission like Ummi wanted, for it was only because of her I chose to study there.

"I DID!" She squealed. "I'm going to be a pharmacist!"

Sadly, I smiled - it had been our dream to study the same course, in the same university. It was unfortunate I didn't reach the cutoff mark.

Allah has a better plan for me.

"Congratulations, Ririe! I'm happy for you."

"Thanks, bestie! It's just sad we won't be studying the same course."

Although I couldn't see her, I knew a frown must have etched her demeanor.

"It is." I responded. "Anyways, the course I was given is good - at least, so I've heard. I even made my research and I have come to like the course."

"Really? What course was given to you?"

"Food science and technology."

"Wow!" She exclaimed. "So you will become a chef."

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't say food and nutrition. Food science and technology. These are two different courses." I explained. "Food science and technology deals with conversation of raw materials into finished products, extension of shelf life, food preservation processes and the likes."

"This sounds like an interesting course."

"It really is. I read online; a lady who studied the course in Nigeria, now owns multiple food industries in Lagos." I informed and tried to recall the name of her food products, but couldn't.

"So, you're also going to own a food processing industry someday?"

"If Allah wills."

"Lectures will commence next month. Hope you're aware."

"No. Thanks for informing me."

"Has Ummi given her permission for you to study there?"

"Not really. Abii promised to talk to her, but since then, he hasn't gotten back to me. I'll speak to her again later and convince her."

"I hope she agrees. Send my regards to her."

"Alright. I'll talk to you later. Bye." I ended the call.

After I had showered, I left for the kitchen to do the dishes. I had barely began to do it, when the doorbell rang. I rinsed my soapy hand under the running water and then turned off the faucet, before walking out of the kitchen to get the door.

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