52-Memories we had

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Luke saw Sebastian's eyes with tears so he went up to him.

"Is everything okay?" Luke asked Sebastian.

"If you want to know the truth I am not okay," Sebastian said with tears in his eyes.
"What happened?" Luke asked.

" I can't forget Eva and she is breaking my heart into a million pieces just in second. I don't know how to forget her because she is blaming me for no reason.

I am not the one who broke her she is the one who broke her heart by herself by choosing Asher instead" Sebastian said crying

"It's okay, she doesn't deserve you. You should not let your heartbreak into pieces because of her and she doesn't deserve your heart," Luke said and hug him

"I am sure you will find someone better than her" Luke added.
"Thank you so much for the support," Sebastian said and they walked to their tent.

" I am really happy that we are in the same tent," Luke said to Sebastian.
"Yeah, I am happy as well but the memories we had will be unforgettable" He replied.

"Now let's go back and ignore the negativity" Luke motivated him.
They went back to the camp and continued their activity.

Someone else has already won the game.
Sebastian and Luke were disqualified when they left but they were not sad about it.

It was finally getting dark. Teacher Maria gathered the students around and told them they will play her favorite camp game "Flashlight tags"

"What is Flashlight tags?" A student asked.

"Nice question, In this game we need at least two people to play and it should be dark. When it's finally night we choose a player and give them a flashlight. That player will count till a hundred while others hide in the dark" The teacher explained.

"Wow! This will be epic!" Bethany told her friends.
"I will count while you guys hide" teacher Maria replied.

Everyone agreed and the teacher started counting. Everyone hides around the woods.
Luna hides inside a bench nearby when Asher came to the same place.

"Hey! I will hide here" Asher shouted.
"Shh! Plus I took this place before you!" Luna answered.
"Whatever, I am hiding here" He replied.
"No you will not, it will be easy for the teacher to find! Go!" Luna said.

"Ninety-nine, Hundred, and I am coming!" The teacher said.
"No time, I am hiding here!" Asher said teasing Luna.

"Ugh!" Luna replied.
"Okay, I will go" Asher replied.
"Now I can't let him go, If I do the teacher will find out, " Luna thought.
"Okay! Don't go!" Luna whispered angrily.

Then they saw the flashlight coming closer to them.
"Come on guys! You are hiding here! It was easy to find you guys. Hide somewhere harder to find next time" Teacher Maria answered.

"It's your fault!" Luna mumbled to Asher.
"Excuse me, I told I could go" Asher replied.
"You know what! You are annoying!"Luna replied covering her ears and walked away.

"You are more annoying!" Asher yelled.
"I might be annoying but you are Asher Zain!" Luna shouted from afar.

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