15-Popularity and Asher

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Luna kept quiet not trying to focus on what happened after a while she thought of asking Rose why they were ignoring here

Rose smiles and said "Oh nothing Stella was just sad because you didn't sit with her in the class".
Luna looked confused.

"That's it?", she asked.

Rose nodded her head yes and Luna lied to Stella that she just wanted to know Eva's secrets so we can change her or something like this.

Stella was happy to hear that but Luna felt guilty that she had to lie to her best friend just to fit in and to get Asher who Stella hates the most.

Soon the nightfall and everyone went to sleep except
for Luna.

She waited until her roommate's sleep and left the room sneaking out slowly.

She gently closed the door and went to Asher's room.

He answered the door and saw Sebastian with him.

The trio walked downstairs.

Luna asked Sebastian where Eva was.

He told her that she is already waiting for them in Steve's office.

They reached the office and knocked on the door.
Eva answered the door. They went inside and saw Steve sitting and waiting for them.

Steve looked suspicious to Luna.

She was a little scared not knowing what is waiting for her.

She felt guilty again that she lied to Rose, that she will be careful around Steve and she lied to Bethany that Asher and Sebastian are not gonna make any trouble to their friendship.

She felt guilty for leaving Stella alone in the class just for popularity and Asher.

She felt guilty but she hide it so no one will notice it.

Then Asher snapped her from her thoughts and told her to sit with him she blushed a little when he asked.She sat next to him with no hesitation and Asher asks her why her cheeks were turning red.

She tries to brush it off but instead of it, it made it even worse.

Asher smirked and turned to Steve. Then she saw Steve handing Asher the bag he gave yesterday.

She was shocked to see what was inside. She froze for a second then she noticed that everyone had it

Then Steve handed the same thing that Asher has, but she said she doesn't want it and Eva asked
her that was she serious that she rejected the vape and cigarettes.

"I can't believe she did that, I never thought you would be such a weak person, " added Asher.

"Maybe the next day, She needs to be used to this kind of stuff, " Sebastian said.

"Okay, then but tomorrow promise, " Asher asked.

Luna agreed and still couldn't stop blushing.

Then she looked at them has they vaped and smoked.

She felt really bad, Her friends were right, They were gonna change her.

She wanted to change but something was holding her back.

Asher snapped at out of her thoughts and started to flirt with her and she started blushing again then he started to lean closer and closer his lips were touching hers but a guilt rush to her body that she pushed him away and turned around.

Everyone looked at her weirdly and she felt embarrassed for doing it.
She kept silent and didn't look at any face.

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