40: Restraints

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The songs I add before a chapter hint to the feelings and messages that will rise within it. It gives my characters a real voice. It brings them to life. All songs will be provided! :) And the playlist is on spotify!

S O N G F O R C H A P T E R : "Game of Survival"
B Y : Ruelle

I watch as Corban's face is crimpled with pain, and his eyes glaze over. Mine go wide as I watch some male bat pull him away from me.

I can't let Collet win. I can't be the sole reason for a species extinction. My eyes dart to the cliff and before my brain can let me know what's happening, my legs are running towards the cliff at full speed. It's the only way I can put an end to everything. I have to die.

But the I'm paralyzed. Collet. Four bats rush to hold me back. I scream bloody murder when Collet walks over to Corban.

"Don't you touch him!" I scream kicking with all my energy to escape the vice grips that these bats have on my arms.

"Collet stop this!" I scream and she just chuckles and looks back over at me. I once again attempt to free myself but something pinches in my shoulder. I'm assuming they gave me the same serum that they just gave Corban. I see Daniel, Easton, and Merek from the forest, and I scream out to them to help Corban. Daniel runs for Corban, and Easton and Merek run for me.

The men holding me drop me to the ground, and I fall down quickly, completely unable to move any of my limbs.

"Ember!" Easton screams and attempts to run for me. But a bat throws him in the air and out of the small field.

"Enough of this." I hear Collet sneer, and then Corban, Easton, Daniel, and Merek are all tossed like rag dolls out of the small clearing that we are in. Collet walks over to me and bends down so that she is at my level.

"In three days, you'll wake up, and we're making the sacrifice. Until then, I'm keeping you locked far away and out of sight. Enjoy your nap, little one, you've lost."

♛ ♛ ♛

Everything is dark. I can feel that the room I am in is very small and brings up a sense of claustraphoicness. It smelt horrible. Like mold and mildew. The walls are a thick stone that has moss growing on them. They are cold and wet to the touch and a shiver courses through my body.

Where am I?

I try to recall what led up to this. I remember going for a run then coming back. Daniel, Easton, and Corban were planning to go behind my back. I ran. I was going to kill Collet but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

All the years that I spent with her crept up on me. No matter how evil she is, I couldn't bring myself to kill her. I hesitated and walked off. I planned to kill myself instead. But Corban found me... Just in time too. We fought, like really fought I cringe. I hate remembering that. Collet drugged me.

I attempt to sit up but I can only lift my head. I'm laying on a hard concrete block in the middle of this room and both my hands and feet are tightly shackled to it's corners. I let out a groan and attempted to look more around the room. I lift my head back and see iron bars, the outside world is just behind them.

Only a thin, scratchy cream sheet covers me and underneath I am completely bare. I shiver as I feel my naked body touching every crack and crevice of the stone that I am on.

"Hey!" I yell attempting to angle my head to project my voice. It's cracky and sounds foreign to my ears. I struggle and thrash against my restraints.

"I'm in here!" I yell but my voice most likely doesn't reach out of the room. It sounds like I've smoked all my life and eat sandpaper as a hobby. I thrash more and the sounds echo louder than my voice could go.

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