30: Betrayal

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The songs I add before a chapter hint to the feelings and messages that will rise within it. It gives my characters a real voice. It brings them to life. All songs will be provided! :) And the playlist is on spotify!

If you feel inclined I have a very important message at the end of this chapter, please read.

S O N G F O R C H A P T E R : "Never Going Back"
B Y : The Score

We quickly got Merek back to the pack and to the cells. I honestly didn't feel bad. This was practically a resort compared to what he came from. I stood outside of the cell with Corban and Rylan.

"How did you escape?" Corban question. Merek shakes his head taking a bite of the bread that we offered him.

"I didn't, Collet let me go. They were stripping me of my powers." He grits and cringes at the memory. "Making me a nulla. A witch with no powers, then they banished me from the coven. It's the ultimate punishment." He states.

"Why?" I closed my eyes briefly when the pain in my head returned. Bang. Bang. Bang. I fought with myself to not clench my fists, and I surprisingly won. Merek eyes my curiously. "Why were you being banished?" I ask. He clears his throat and his eyes become sad.

"I was attempting a resurrection spell. On my twin sister. Our coven doesn't allow them unless you are the head witch. I never finished." He states. I nod. I can't imagine the pain he must be going through. First he loses his sister, then he loses his identity. It sounded horrible.

"You said you knew something about Lilith?" Rylan asks. Merek nods.

"Rumors say that she is in control of everything. The rogues and the bats." I nod my head.

"We knew that already... Well figured it." I correct myself. The pain grows more in my head.

"Are you okay?" Merek question. I wait for the wave of pain to pass. Corban gets in front of me and holds onto my shoulders.

"Em? Em what is this? Are you okay?" I nod my head with a wince.

"It's just a migraine." I grit. I push the pain down and stand up straighter.

"It hasn't gone away since this morning?" Corban questions. I shake my head.

"It's been getting worse. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I whisper the last part. And Corban sighs.

"Rylan, can you please get her some medicine from the infirmary." Ryaln looks like he was going to argue but decides against it.

"I'll be back." He states and rushes up the stairs. Merek just watches the exchange curiously.

"What else do you know about Lilith?" he looks at us.

"Collet's sister died years ago. Collet herself killed her." My eyes go wide and then the pounding in my head returns. I let out a loud gasp and fall back. Corban catches me.

"Ember!" I grip onto his arm and then the pounding happens again. Merek stands up from his sitting position and walks over so he is standing right at the cell bars.

There was something I just couldn't ignore. Something in my mind was trying to tell me something. Something was banging to get me to understand, but whatever it was, wasn't doing a good job at getting the message across. I was waiting for something that I didn't know of yet. Something was brewing inside of me, and I didn't like it.

But then everything fell. And it took my breath away. I gasped and clutched Corban's shoulder, who was standing in front of me, talking to Merek and Rylan.

"Oh my god." Another wall fell inside my mind. I leaned forward, squeezing my eyes. Corban was trying to talk to me, but I was trying to tune him out and figure out what the hell was happening.


Or so I thought.

My eyes were the size of saucers as I looked up at Corban. I looked around, and all of the walls came tumbling down.


Terrifying clarity.

"She lied." I gasp as a wave of sickness takes over my body, but I hold back the urge to vomit. Corban is frantic as he attempts to gain my attention.

"Ember! What do you mean?!" He yells to get through to me.

"I- I don't know how to explain it. She... she is the one orchestrating everything. The rogues... she..." A sob broke my sentence. This couldn't be happening. Anyone but her.

"Who?!" Corban yells. And I wince.

"It's Collet." I cry and clutch at my chest.

"She's behind everything."


Alright, I'm curious...

Who predicted it? Was it obvious? I really want to know lmao. I had this planned since the beginning and I have been giddy to post this lmao.

I will be posting another chapter tomorrow because of the length of this one.

Now I ask you to take a few moments of your time. Please read the message I have below and spead the word.

Your voices need to be heard.


I want to take a moment to talk about what is happening right now in Minneapolis Minnesota. My heart goes out to everyone in the area, especially those that are actively protesting for what is right.

The color of a person's skin, should NOT make them fear for their life. The color of a person's skin should NOT bring about different treatment. The color of a person's skin should NOT bring judgment. We all bleed red. We are all human.

We have heard this everywhere. And I have never heard something more true but some people still don't seem to understand.

Black lives matter!

I pray for George Floyd and his family. I hope that somehow, justice will be served for them.

The world needs a wake up call. Because as of late, I do not see equality when I look out my window.

I am not black, but I see you..
I respect you.
I hear you.
I love you.
I mourn with you. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻✊

If you haven't, please text 55156 to sight the petition to arrest the officers that murdered George Floyd. Please tell your friends and family so that we can bring him justice.

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