6: Hopeless

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The songs I add before a chapter hint to the feelings and messages that will rise within it. It gives my characters a real voice. It brings them to life. All songs will be provided! :) And the playlist is on spotify!

Whats your fav book on wattpad? (Asking for science)

S O N G F O R C H A P T E R : "Sing of the Moon"
B Y : The Collection

"But now that you're gone will my orbit unwind?


'Maybe in another world.' She had whispered sadly.

'We can create our own,' I reply instantly. Staring at Ember, just waiting for her to disappear.

'It's hopeless.'

My heart was left shattered. I reach into our bond, clinging to what little there is. One part of the mate bond let's you see inside your mate's mind. You can feel what they're feeling and so on. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, you can speak to each other. It feels and sounds like they are standing right next to you. I try to picture her standing here.

I imagine her beautiful tanned skin and long brown hair. Her small but strong figure against mine. Her stunning electric blue eyes that carry all of her sorrows; I have never seen such sad, yet determined eyes. I imagine her in my mind and sigh.

Watching her leave after knowing she didn't have any hope for us was hard. I had no idea that it would be that hard. I hadn't even spoken to her, but the connection of my soul to hers sometimes leaves me breathless. But she wasn't going to be happy here, and I knew that. She has to make the decision to stay here on her own. I hear someone's presence behind me, and I turn to see Reagan.

"Why did you let her leave?" She questions sadly moving, so she's standing next to me but looking out the window as I am. "You didn't even try to talk to her... She's your mate. It would have worked out eventual-" I cut her off.

"No. It would be a relationship based on domination if I forced Ember to stay. It would not have worked itself out if she couldn't trust me in the beginning." She moves her attention from the window so that she is looking directly at me.

"I just thought there was more that could have been done. When you told me to let her go, I thought you had lost your mind." I scoff.

"Gee thanks, Rea."

"Corban, this is going to tear you apart. I understand why you did it but you know what happens if you stay away from your mate. It's ugly on both parts." I don't reply, what she says is true. Wolves have gone mad, turned rogue due to mates staying apart. I always thought it was laughable.

The constant need for someone that you could practically die if you were deprived of them. But now, I understand. She is the only thing on my mind. But I know I am doing the right thing for her. I can't be selfish if I want it to work eventually. If anything will ever happen between the two of us, distance has to be made first.

"Corban, I just worry about you." I sigh, turning back towards Reagan. She has to tilt her head up to look me in the eyes. Her height is a running joke.

"I know, Rea. And I appreciate it. I really do. How about once I'm done with some of my paperwork for the pack we have a movie night. We can invite Easton as well." She nods with a smile.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll let him know. I'll see you later, Corban." She smiles and walks out the door. That's when I release a breath I didn't know I was holding and plop down onto the chair next to me. What has this week turned out to? Standing back up, I make my way out of the hospital wing and leave the packhouse.

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