32: losses

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The songs I add before a chapter hint to the feelings and messages that will rise within it. It gives my characters a real voice. It brings them to life. All songs will be provided! :) And the playlist is on spotify!

S O N G F O R C H A P T E R : "Wild Stare"
B Y : Giant Rooks

I quickly run back up to Corban and fall to my knees at his side. The gravel digs into my skin but I don't care. tears stream down my face as I use my hands to hold him close to me in a lame attempt to protect him. He had fallen unconscious. Seeing him like this, in such a vulnerable state, it killed me.

"Collet." I sneer. She lets out a humorless laugh and looks at Corban. All my fight to kill her felt like a bomb. It was about to explode. Looking at her boiled my blood and the anger and hatred felt like it was completely taking me over. I gently lay Corban down on the grass and stand so that I can face her probably.

Face my demon. She has been haunting me since day one and it was time I shove her back into the shadows.

"Oh, I can wake him up." She smiles and mumbles something under her breath resulting in Corban gasping for air and shaking in pain. "My eyes widen and I attempt to console him. You are one hell of an actor Collet." I sneer, keeping my voice steady. I feel the knife in my boot. It's almost always there, out of habit. I never know what I will run into on any given day. Best to be prepared.

"I wouldn't have had to start anything if you would have just kept your nose out of what it doesn't belong in." I scoff and take a dangerous step closer to her.

"You should have guessed. You know how nosy I can be." Corban groans and leans into me further. Rylan is off to the side, getting nursed by Madelyn. Collects gaze locks onto Merek.

"You just had to go and be the hero." Collet laughs at him. She gestures around.

"Excellent work." She smiles. Corban groans once again, and a single tear falls down my cheek. How the hell did we get here?

"Little one, let's focus on you since you are of most importance." I shake my head.

"I'll kill you." I sneer.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?!" She laughs like I just told the funnest damn joke in the world.

"Do you honestly think I would be afraid of some as damaged as you are little one." I let out a chuckle.

"You should be. Damaged people are the dangerous ones. They know how to survive, even when their world is on fire." I sneer and lunge for her. My dagger is in my hand. I see her reach out her hands to cast a spell but I quickly dodge it. I jump on top of her and sink the knife into her skin just underneath her collar bone. She lets out a scream and grabs at my face to try and pry me off of her but my grip is like iron.

"I'm going to burn you and your little kingdom to the ground." She seethes. I laugh.

"Good thing we play with fire." I twist the dagger that is already in her skin deeper and pull it out only to plunge it into her skin once again. The cloaks around us that were meant to be other bats fall to the ground as if they were nothing but dust.

"You came alone?" I laugh. Collet smiles, blood in her teeth.

"I'm enough." She presses her finger to my forehead and I let out a wail of pain as my body stops moving. I lose control. I see Merek, Easton, and Daniel, along with a few other warriors rush up to us but a collet conjures some type of shield around us that blocks them from getting to me. It was like we were in our own little bubble.

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