18: Falling

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The songs I add before a chapter hint to the feelings and messages that will rise within it. It gives my characters a real voice. It brings them to life. All songs will be provided! :) And the playlist is on spotify!

***I really suggest listening to this song. It is so wholesome. I imagine it as if it was Corban saying all of this to Ember. I might have to beg... honestly this song is just perfection.***

S O N G F O R C H A P T E R : "Would You be so Kind"
B Y : Dodie

"I know you know that I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love"


I couldn't believe it. Ember is here. Here. With me, on pack grounds. She was here. My wolf was like a damn puppy with a new toy in my mind. He never wanted to leave Ember's side now that she was here, the tension between the two of us was intense. You could tell that there was so much being left unsaid with all of our conversations. Something was missing. It wasn't right. We started out terrible. So if her showing up out of the blue isn't some type of a second chance, I don't know what is.

It's been another twenty-four hours since I last saw her. A new day, another start. I plan to take her out tonight. Show her a bit of the pack that she hadn't already seen, and if I was lucky to get her to trust me just a little bit more. Of course, all of this was happening at the worst time. Ember is in danger. We don't know exactly how. We just know that she's a target and needs to stay hidden. Hopefully, lying low will suffice because I'll be damned, and she will be too if Alpha Matthews decides to send her off somewhere.

Ever since Ember arrived, things have just felt different. A good different and as stupid as it may sound, it's like a second chance. Last time she was here... I couldn't even talk to her, this time it is going to be different. I walk outside and quickly shift into my wolf for a short run.

I find it's the best way to start the day, it frees me, and it frees my wolf.

The forest is calm and unmoving. My wolf howls to the sky, his breath can just slightly be seen within the fresh morning air, he huffs running faster. The trees fly past us in a blur.

I end my run quickly, eager to get back to the pack. My wolf wasn't exactly happy, but this also means we can see Ember quicker, and he didn't mind it so much then. I ran up to the pack house, but before I made it inside, I already spotted Ember. She was on the balcony in a tank top and sweatpants.

Her brown hair cascades down just past her shoulders. Her arms rest on the railing, and she looks out longingly to the forest. I felt my insides twist, knowing that it's possible she will never be truly happy here. I'll be damned if I don't try to change that. I walk around the building so that she will be able to see me. I hear her breath hitch and her shoulders tense as she sees me. Instead of saying something, I gesture for her to come down and hope that she will get the message.

Soon enough, I see her slowly walk out the door. She's now dressed in pants and a sweatshirt with her hair in a ponytail. I smile, and she nods back. Time to put my plan in action. I hold out my hand to her, and she looks at it questionably.

"Hey, I'm Corban. It's really nice to meet you." She locks eyes with me, pools of curiosity invade her irises, but she takes the bait.

"Ember." She says skeptically. I smile.

"You have a beautiful name Ember. I was wondering if you would like to go somewhere with me." She takes a step back. I can practically see the gears turning in her head, trying to figure out what I'm doing.

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