Chapter 10

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"Happy birthday Victoria!" Everyone beamed at her sleepy form. Victoria groggily sat up in bed and smiled at those in the room. Her mother, brother, Grand Duke, her personal maid, and... Then her eyes landed on Sabrina. Her smile tightened, though no one noticed.

"T-thank you all so much!" She wept. Victoria wiped her eyes with her sleeve. Her personal maid then sat a folding tray of food on her lap. It was like a mini table for her to eat at.

"Let's give her some room now." Her mother smiled, which seemed very off putting for Sabrina.

"Yes, let us do so. If you kids still want to chat, then, by all means, do so." The Grand Duke nodded and gestured for the adults to leave.

"Victoria! I heard their is a festival in town tonight! They are planning on setting off fireworks, and there will be food and games!" Blaine excitedly said.

"Oh that's great! I've always wanted to go to one of those!" Victoria smiled sweetly.

"Yes, you, me, and Sabrina will have a great time!" As soon as those words left his mouth she stopped chewing her food.

"Sabrina?" Victoria questioned. Sabrina has left the room already, knowing Victoria doesn't exactly like her. Sabrina doesn't want to be on her bad side, so she hopes that tonight she can fix things.

"Yes, she was the one who brought it up to me." Blaine nodded, bashfully.

"Oh! Great..." She smiled.

"Do you not want her to go?" Blaine questioned.

"No no! I'd love for her to come with." She smiled again.


Tonight we meet Rowan, well Victoria does. I need to stop being nosy and stop messing things up more than it already is. Just go, get some food, watch the fireworks, and I'll be good. Nothing can mess this up.

I don't know if Father will let us go. It's okay though. I'll ask him.

I don't remember my family from my past life, but I feel sad when I'm with my now father. Maybe sad isn't the word. Maybe it's relieved, happy? Maybe I didn't get love from a fatherly figure, so that's why it feels so good to have a loving father in this world.

I sat up from the sofa I was laid on.

I need to talk to him about it.

I jumped up and made my way to the door. When I left the room I glanced around. My room was located on the second floor. There was a banister lining all the rooms on the second floor. These rooms connected to the banister were just guest rooms and sleeping areas. The first floor has all the other rooms and more hallways connecting to other parts of the building, including the main entrance which goes into the ballroom and grand staircase at the entrance. I still don't know my way around this place. There are so many rooms and hallways and buildings and hallways that lead to buildings.

I ran my hand along the banister feeling each groove in the wood. The craftsmanship was amazing.

After walking down the staircase, I finally met the large door to my father's office. It took me longer to find his office then I would've liked but I just tried to remember my first day in this world when that maid led me here.

Should I knock? I raised my small hand up to the large door and knocked a few times.

"You may enter." He said from inside the room. I took a deep breath and opened the door, peeping my head in the process.

"Father?" I questioned, sounding a little shy.He sat at his desk looking straight down with piles of paper to each of his sides. The sun came in brightly from the window behind him, causing me to squint my eyes.

"Oh, Sabrina!" He sat up straighter and beamed at me.

"I'm sorry, are you busy?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"A-ah, no." He smiled, pushing his work to the side.

"Are you sure?" I tilted my head as I stepped into the room.

"Positive." He smiled. I felt my heart warm.

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" He nodded as I took a seat.

"Um..." I fiddled with my fingers. "Well since today is Victoria's birthday....I was wondering if her, Blaine, and I could go into town for the festival." As I said this he made a crumpled face.

"I'll be safe!" I blurt.

"Should I send a guard for you three?" He asks.

"No no, I don't want to stand out." I smiled.

"Fine but at least wear a hooded cloak." He nods.

"Does that mean we can go?" I gasped. I thought it would take more convincing.

He acted like he was thinking before nodding, "I suppose." I don't know why, but I got up and jumped at him, wrapping my small arms around his neck.

"Thank you thank you!"


After I left the room, I found myself feeling bashful. I let my emotions take control of me. I'm glad to have him as my father...I thought as I leaned against the now closed door to the office.


It's finally time. The sun is setting so it is the perfect time to go. Father insisted for me to hide a dagger is a secret pocket in my cloak.

We all made our way to town. It was crowded. Everyone was happy. There were stands serving street food. There were little carnival like games.

"Hey lets go get some corn dogs!" Victoria smiles. I think all three of us were honestly caught up in the excitement. Victoria seemed a whole lot more bearable than usually. We ate so many varieties of foods. We played games.

Then it got incredibly crowded and I knew it was time for Victoria to get separated. Blaine will say...

"Hey we should grab onto each other so we don't get separated!" He says grabbing onto my hand. He then goes to reach for Victoria's, but she is already being pushed away.

"Blaine!" She calls for him.

"Victoria?" He calls back. It happened just as I remembered, except that I'm here.

We finally made it out of the crowd as I took a bite of my funnel cake.

"Shouldn't we look for her?" I ask leaning against the wall. We got pushed into a small alley it was a dead end and there were, surprisingly no sketchy people hiding in the shadows.

"She will be alright." He says, taking some of my funnel cake. Ummmm for one, you are supposed to look for her the rest of the time you are here. For two, you just took some of my funnel cake without permission.

"She just turned seven, how will she be alright?" I sighed. "And can you let go of my hand now?" I glanced up at him. His face flushed and even in this dark lighting I could see it.

"Don't get the wrong idea. It's not like I wanted to hold your hand." He crossed his arms looking away.

"I wasn't getting the wrong idea." I rolled my eyes and shook off my hand that he was holding.

I was about to tell him off when a sob caught both of our attention. I quickly grabbed the dagger from the hidden pocket and looked down the alley way. There was a small figure crumpled up at the end. It was then we realized we weren't alone in this alley.

Not much happened in this chapter, sorry :(

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