Chapter 1

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"Sabrina Sinnett you are here for your crimes of trying to kill someone of the royal family. What do you have to say?" The persecutor asked. I sat there still. Who are these people? How'd I even get here?

"If not then I sentence you to-" He gets cut off by a blonde male with green eyes that whispered to him. He was tall and built well. Behind him were three others, though I couldn't get a good look.

"But- okay..." He mumbles before facing me again. "You are here by sentenced to death by torture."

"Huh why?!" I snapped. Who are these people?

"Don't speak up!" The blonde male snapped. He'd be cuter is he wasn't sentencing me to death... "You have tortured my Victoria for so long!" The girl I assume is Victoria clings to his arm with a pouty lip and teary eyes. No denying she was beautiful with long, wavy, reddish, purplish hair. It was probably a maroon. Then her eyes matched perfectly. She was small and had a slim face, waist, and everything, perfect nose, perfect lips, big eyes lined with thick lashes.

"Please my sister probably didn't mean to." She pouted. Sister? Who is this? A man behind her stood up. He had the same color hair as Victoria, if a little lighter, and dark pink eyes. He was also very tall and built. He looked a lot like Victoria. Does that mean I look like them too? I wondered if I looked as beautiful as them. I glanced down to see black hair. I guess not...

He wrapped his arm around her and gently pulled her away. Telling by the way he looked at her, he was definitely in love.

"Does he have a sis complex?" I gasped quietly.

"She doesn't deserve to be called our sister." He frowned glaring at me. So they are siblings, and I am their sister as well? I was gonna say that he was kinda cute too but I can't be thinking that, if he really is my brother.

What am I thinking? He isn't even my brother. I don't even know them! These people do seem kind of familiar, but I just can't put my finger on it. He gently walked her back to her seat, and I swear I saw her turn and give me a smirk.

"You deserve to experience worse than what you put my Victoria through." The blonde guy said again.

"We are going to torture you until you die, but don't worry we will make sure and keep you alive as long as possible." He smiled sinisterly. He then approached me and roughly grabbed my hair, forcing me to look up at him.

"Disgusting." He glared and dropped my head.

"Get her out of my sight." He growled. Two knights went to my side and roughly grabbed both my arms, dragging me away. What is even going on?!


It's been a week and I haven't had a word with anyone from that day. Two people come in everyday, hooded so I can't see, and torture me. I'm chained to a cross right now with cuts on every part of my body. My hair is disgusting and matted to all my cuts. I coughed and felt blood trickle down my chin and drop onto the floor.

I haven't learnt much being here. All I know is that my name is Sabrina, something. I can't remember. Everything is getting hazy and blurry.

I looked up slowly to see the two masked people whipping me. This is new. They've pulled off each one of my fingernails and cut off my tongue. I wish I could say it hurts, but I honestly don't feel anything.

"You've done a good job. I don't think she even has the strength to move her head." A voice said. Blonde guy again? This is the second time I've met him. Suddenly he roughly grabbed my face. He squeezed my cheeks and held my head up to look at him.

"I-I've always hated your stupid eyes." He glared and dropped my face.

"Get the spoons and take your time with it as well." He said to the two. That's when everything went dark. I suppose the former holder of this body was a terrible person. I shouldn't curse this psycho if my body truly is at fault. I, however, mentally I am innocent. Oh how the world is so cruel.


I gasped and sat up quickly. I had a cold sweat.

"It was just a dream." I mumbled hoping it was true. I groggily sat up and realized it wasn't a cold sweat, but I was completely drenched. I gagged and coughed up water. I looked down over my shoulder and grabbed a lock of my hair. Black...

Then something else caught my eye. My was tiny. Then I heard yelling and rustling.

"Hurry up!" A young boys voice yelled. I sat up coughing. My eyes grew wide at a familiar young boy running towards me. He had blonde hair and green eyes. I flinched seeing him run. Behind him was a knight. How could this kid turn to be so psychotic.

"P-please don't hurt me." I whimpered. Then widened my eyes. I can talk again! The boy jumped on me, hugging me.

"Y-you don't know how scared I was!" He cried, with his arms gripping the back of my dress.

"W-who are you..." I mumble. This is that psycho guy right?

"It's me Leo Decker!" He said pulling away looking at me with teary eyes. Leo? Decker? Why does that name seem so familiar?

I shook my head quickly. He looked about seven years old.

"Who am I?" I ask.

"You are Sabrina Sinnett!" He beamed. Sabrina I know that name. Why is it just now coming to me?

Suddenly memories flooded my head. Emilia that's who I was. My name was Emilia! I was playing a otome game. I already completed all the routes and was on Leo's ending, no I was on the secret ending. It's the ending where the heroine wants all the male leads, not just one. I had to have spent too many nights awake. Then I became the villainess.

Ironically the story was about a girl reincarnated into a novel she read. She was a sly character. She knew how each character was and how to get their attention.

I suppose that's how I kind of am now, but I've never seen Leo act like this. I played the heroine, not the villainess. You never even got much of her background.

She was a normal noble child, slightly snobby, but still kind and loving and the fiancé to Leo, the crown prince. When older she realized her beautiful golden yellow eyes attracted many men. She liked that very much and ended up cheating multiple times. Leo eventually learned to hate her and her eyes.

So that's why he had them spoon my eyes....

Sabrina hated that Victoria took the attention from the guys so harassed her in millions of ways. The four love interests are freaking crazy. They'd do anything for the heroine and she knew that and used it to her advantage.

Leo, Rowan, Blaine, and Hunter.

Blaine is the pink haired guy with the sister complex. Him and Victoria were both adopted into my family. Sabrina didn't treat them with any kindness whatsoever. Have I even met them yet?

I don't want to go through that torture again. I have to change the story.

I shivered and looked at the knight and Leo. Then everything got hazy. Am I dying again?

Last thing I saw was a blurry form of Leo shaking me.

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