Chapter 9

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"What do you think?" He suddenly asked.

"Why does it matter?" I found myself saying uncontrollably. Hold up- why did I say that? Why does he even need my opinion?

"Pardon?" He tilts his head. My father widened his eyes and ran over to me trying to shush me.

"No, let her elaborate." Hunter says emotionlessly, like usual.

I took a deep breath and managed to find my words, "Why does my opinion matter?"

"You enjoy playing the piano and other instruments, no?" I raise an eyebrow. He nods still not letting his emotions shine through. Man it is hard to read this kid.

"So, why does my opinion matter? If you enjoy it, you enjoy it. You don't need to seek the approval of someone if you really enjoy something. Just do what you enjoy." I sighed. Then I realized what I was saying.

"I-I mean there is nothing wrong with seeking approval of someone. It is a completely normal thing," I blanked again, "So if you want to know, then it was really good! Just like what Victoria said, you're very talented," Stop talking, "It makes me wonder what other instruments you play..." I finally stopped blabbing nonsense and took a deep breath in.

"My apologies, she doesn't usually do this." My father said covering my mouth. I nodded my head agreeing to what he said from under his hand. I looked up to him through my bangs. He  sat with his arms crossed and his legs crossed. He looked very villainy right now. Oh no, is he going to kill me? All the characters in this story are cold blood killers. They don't even bat an eye at it. I was afraid to meet his cold gaze but to my surprise it seemed slightly, amused?

"Worry not Grand Duke." He shook his head as if ridding himself of a thought and stood up.

"I shall take my leave first." He nodded walking out.

"Sabrina what were you thinking?" My father asked, hugging me.

"You could've gotten yourself killed!" Leo whined, looking innocent as ever.

"Idiot..." Blaine mumbled.

"..." Everyone looked at Victoria expecting her to say something.

"Sissy! Be careful next time!" She suddenly bursted, as if seeing their gazes.

What is going on?


It's been about a week since then. Rowan's event is coming up soon as well as Victoria's birthday. She will go to the festival with Blaine and due to the area being busy, gets pushed into a back alley and into a slave market. One thing leads to another and she buys Rowan. Rowan was a very expensive slave, bided on due to the demonstration. He had his hands shackled and still managed to fend off and dodge hungry wolves and at such a young age. He then protected her from five grown men.

"Miss I have another letter for you." Penny said entering my room with a knock. I already know who it is from without looking. It is from Hunter. He has already sent me two letters, to which I have not replied too.

Dear Miss Sinnett,
You have not responded to my past two letters. I suppose that is normal, no one wants to befriend the unimportant third son of the Emperor.

My heart panged with guilt. He is purposely pulling the guilt strings...

Anyways, third time is the charm? Is that what people say? Don't answer that, there is no need to do so, it is particularly boring here at my residence. I stay in my quarters of the palace at all times. Well I will get to the point, I would like you to join me for tea sometime.

Hunter Barnes

I gnawed on my thumb nail as I grabbed a piece of paper, an envelope, and a pen.

Dear Mr. Barnes,
I am sorry for not responding to your past two letters. I have been very busy.


So I apologize if I came off as rude. It has nothing to do with you being, and I quote 'the unimportant third son of the Emperor.' I couldn't care less about titles. I suppose I will, as well, get straight to the point and answer your question... I don't know if it is appropriate for you to invite a person, of the opposite sex, to tea, especially, when the so said person is betrothed. Have a nice day.

Sabrina Sinnett

Suck on that Hunter. I sighed a long sigh and laid my head in my hands. Now I am picking fights with the capture targets...

"Can you please put a seal on this letter?" I asked turning to Penny, handing her the envelope.

"Yes Miss." Penny bowed and took her leave.


It's the next day and I barely got any sleep. Was I sounding too rude in the letter? Am I going to die? It usually takes a while for a response to come...

Coincidentally Penny entered at this moment with another letter, "I have another letter Miss." I quickly took it from her and tore it open.

Dear Miss Sinnett,
Thank you for finally responding. I am ecstatic that you are able to look past my title. My offer for tea still stands. Don't get the wrong idea. I have no intention of romancing you.

I mean my goal wasn't for him to romance me, but having it actually said burns.

I thought you could just join me for tea and we could bond over music. If it makes you more comfortable then I could invite your adopted brother and or your fiancé as well.

Hunter Barnes

This kid just doesn't give up does he?

Dear Mr Barnes,
I am very sorry if I came off as rude last time I wrote you. I suppose I will take you up on tea. In regards to inviting Blaine or Leo, I'd pass.

I nibbled on my pen, thinking of what to say next.

Leo is a prince and must be busy with tasks even though we are so young. Blaine is still new to his title and doesn't know how to properly interact with those of higher status so I am afraid he will offend you. If I may invite my adopted sister Victoria. She is very good at communicating and seems more educated and mature. It would be good for sister bonding.

Sabrina Sinnett

The only reason I am going is to bring Victoria is to fix the mess I've made with the story. I shouldn't be too rude. Hunter is just lonely. I handed the envelope with the letter inside to Penny for her to send it off. I then turned and got up to sit in front of my vanity.

Just looking at my face, it might sound slightly narcissistic but, I can't imagine myself to ever be a killer. I touched my cheek gently but jerked my hand down.

All the characters are killers in this strange game though.

I let out a deep sigh and I flopped down on a sofa in my room. When Sabrina found out she was getting less and less attention from guys, she snapped and took it out on the maids, torturing and killing them. My reign of flirting and killing hasn't started yet, luckily.

Now that I think about it....Sabrina had a problem with flirting with everyone. She never treated Blaine kindly, but she was fine with just trying to get in his pants. Rowan couldn't refuse her orders but Veronica saved him in time before anything nasty happened. Same goes to Leo and Hunter, they both would shoot her down, which, in turn, fueled her rage more.

I'll invite Victoria after her birthday and first appearance of Rowan. Having one thing go her way might ease the trouble of asking her.

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