Chapter 3

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The lady had long maroon hair. Her eyes were dark. She has wrinkles under her eyes, on her forehead, and her smile lines.

Their mother...I don't remember her personality, but they both seemed to love her dearly, I think.

"Sabrina? Are you coming?" Leo called from ahead, seeing that I stopped.

"Uh yeah I'm coming!" I reply, speed walking to catch up. I glance back once I get to him. She's gone....


It's been a few days. I bit my pen. We have had family meals, but not much talking goes on. At this rate I fear I might be reaching my death scene.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. I grabbed a few books and stood up.

"I need air..." I mumbled to myself and made my way out the door.

Once I got outside I looked around for a spot under a tree to sit. I leaned my back against the tree and slid down the trunk. I was about to open my first book when I heard rustling above me. I looked up terrified. It was...Blaine.

His arms were wrapped around the trunk and he was sitting on a branch. I snorted.

"A-are you stuck?!" I cracked up laughing.

"Hey this isn't funny!" He protested with a red face.

"Y-you're right, I apologize." I continued to laugh, "Here I'll help you." I smiled.

"How are you going to help me." He glared with a pouted lip.

"Jump and I'll catch you!" I smiled.

"You? Catch, me?" He coughed out.

"Hey got any better ideas?" I snapped and flushed.

"No..." He frowned.

"Then just jump." I commanded. He gave me a skeptical look and hesitantly flipped a leg over the branch and let go of the trunk. He looked down at me with wavering eyes. I tried to give him the best smile I could and reached my arms out. He visibly gulped and jumped.

Then I realized I'm only seven. I widened my eyes as I watched him fall. What have I done.

"Omph." I groaned.

"Hey, idiot I told you this was a bad idea! Hey don't die, I'm not done scolding you." I opened my eyes slowly to see Blaine sitting on my stomach. I was flat on my back. He had his hands on my shoulders shaking me. I was a bit sore, but couldn't help but to laugh.

I gently touched one of his hands on my shoulders and started cracking up.

"H-hey stop laughing!" For the first time since he fell, I looked at his face. It was red and his eyes were teary. I widened my eyes and reached up to touch his cheek. His eyes widened more and he slapped my hand away. He looked like a tomato at this point.

"S-sorry." He sniffled.

"No it's okay I touched your face without permission!" I smiled. Then I dug around in a pocket in my dress. I pulled out a handkerchief and stood up.

"Here!" I smiled offering him my hand. He looked hesitantly at my hand then at me, before taking my hand. I pulled him up with ease and offered him the handkerchief.

"Thanks..." He mumbled whipping his eyes.

"I can't believe I saved you from being stuck in a tree..." I smirked.

"H-hey I would've gotten down by myself eventually!" He frowned with a light blush.

"Surrrrrreeeee." I laughed and sat back down under the tree.

"Someday I will save you from being stuck in a tree." He mumbled, sitting down next to me.

"I won't be stuck in a tree." I smiled, opening a book.

"T-then I'll save you from something!" He blurted with a pink tint on his cheeks. He always has a blushy face....heh cute. My face blushed a little, realizing what I had thought.

"Hey why are you blushing? Don't be thinking anything dirty." He glared.

"I-I wasn't." I glared. I thought and eight year old was cute....

Maybe Blaine can save me from my unfortunate ending.

"Hey why were you up in that tree anyways?" I asked shutting my book. I couldn't focus whatsoever. This is also the first time I've talked to him outside of family meals.

"I was exploring." He replied calmly, putting his arms above his head and leaning back on the tree.

"Find anything interesting?" I ask.

"Oh I found a shallow river." He smiled softly. So this guy does have a soft side. Wait is it the one I almost drowned in?

"Can you show me?" I ask.

"Uh I guess." He mumbled. We both jumped to our feet and I gathered my books in my arms.

He led me to a river and I spotted where I first woke up at.

"Hold up I'm going to go get something. I'll be back." He smiled a bit and ran off. Um okay....

My arms were full and I held my books close to my chest. I shut my eyes. It felt peaceful.

"Hey Sabrina!"A girlish voice called. I turned towards her and smiled.

"Hello Victoria! How has your stay been?" I ask, sweetly.

"It's been satisfactory enough." She scoffed. Well rude...

"That's good to hear." I continued to smile.

"Hey Sabrina I wanted to show you this book!" Blaine's voice called from afar. I looked back to Victoria who stared at me expectantly. Oh I'm supposed to push her in the water, right? I'm not gonna drop my books to do that though.

She glared at me screamed and fell into the shallow river. She sat there drenched.

"What happened Victoria?!" Blaine ran up, stepped in the water, shoes and all and helped her up.

"S-sabrina pushed me." She cried. How could I have pushed her my arms are full... Only an idiot would believe this.

"Sabrina how dare you!" Blaine snapped at me. Here is the idiot.

"How could I have pushed her? My arms are full." I replied in a cold voice to the surprise of Blaine.

"W-well...." He trailed off and looked to Victoria who's face was masked in surprise.

"Blaine please believe me!" She said grabbing onto his arm. "You know I would never lie to you!"

"That's true I suppose..." He looked at her with a soft smile. Then glared at me.

"How despicable can you be Sabrina you will never be our sister..." The idiot said. I literally sat there with a calm look on my face.

"I can't believe you believe her logic. Why and how would I have pushed her?" I frowned.

"Just leave." He spat at me in disgust. Well I'm already on my way towards the bad ending.

"You really are an idiot." I sighed and turned my heel to walk away. I heard Blaine comfort Victoria. Then I heard a snicker. I turned my head to see their mother again. She gave me a kind smile that sent shivers down my spine. Her eyes were anything but kind.

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