Chapter 2

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I groggily sat up in bed. I was in a fresh dress and was dry and warm. I glanced around the room before my eyes land on the boy next to me.

I was about to smack him when I remembered what had happened. I looked at the boys hair that sparkled lightly in the sun. This adorable kid was the death of me. He had his head down on the bed with his arms covering his face.

I unknowingly reached down and set my hand on his head.

"Soft..." I mumbled and ran my fingers through his hair. Then I realized what I had done and snatched my hand back, luckily in time. He sat up and rubbed his eyes with a yawn.

"Oh Sabrina you are up!" He beamed. He's so adorable that I found the corners of my lips fighting a smile.

"Um yeah." I mumble adverting my eyes.

"U-um Leo can I ask you something?" I ask, still adverting my gaze.

"Anything." He replies, sitting up straighter.

"How old are we?"

"Huh? We are seven." He frowned raising an eyebrow to me.

"I see." I nod. I don't know the age difference between Victoria and Sabrina, if there is any that is...

"Miss your father wants you to his office." A maid walked in bowing. I glance at her and gulp. Okay I can do this. Leo offered me a hand getting out of bed. I stared at his hand hesitantly, before taking it. Once I was fully up on my feet and gently took my hand back.

"Can you lead me down there?" I asked, facing the maid.

"Yes of course." She replied. I follow her down the hall with Leo on my tail. Eventually we reach the door. She hesitated a bit before opening it.

"Grand Duke I have brought your daughter as requested." She bowed.

"Thank you Elise, you may leave now and take Mr Decker with you." He says not even looking up from his work. I could feel Leo hesitating. I look at him slightly and nod, signaling him to just go.

The door shut roughly behind me. It felt cold in the room. The Grand Duke sat at his desk flipping through documents as I stood patiently at the door.

"Sabrina come closer." He commanded still looking down. I got to his desk but still stood a few feet away. He looks up at me.

"Come over here." He gestured for me to walk around his desk. I felt my blood running cold. He was a very intimidating man, black hair and dark lifeless looking eyes. He had dark bags under his eyes from working. His frame was large and sturdy. When I got in close enough for him to reach me, he stuck his arms out quickly.

I clenched my eyes shut. I don't want to die again. Wait I'm alive. I peek open one of my eyes to see that the Grand Duke has propped me on his lap. He was hugging me tightly.

"Sabrina I heard you almost drowned! You know how scared I was!" He whined. I looked at him enquiring. His once lifeless looking eyes were watery.

"I'm sorry...." I mumble, unsure of what to exactly say.

"It's alright Sabrina! I was just worried! I'm so glad you're okay!" He said bringing me in for a hug again. I sat in the embrace with wide eyes before leaning in a bit and setting my head on his chest. He was a good father to the villainess in the game.

In the end he was sentenced to death just like her. He adopted both Blaine and Victoria because they looked like his late wife, the only one he truly loved. They came with their mother who was looked down upon by everyone. Eventually the Grand Duke kills her.

Victoria's looks mature and she doesn't look like his late wife anymore, so he found no purpose of her. He grew to hate her. Blaine on the other hand was still loved, but it doesn't mean he loved back. This man had killed his mother. Blaine had to fake his love to survive. He was a good older brother to Victoria. He even grew slightly romantic feelings, hence the sister complex.

"What's going on in your mind Sabrina?" The Grand Duke asks, snapping me out of my trance.

"Nothing Grand Duke." I reply. He gives me a glare and I widen my eyes. What did I do wrong?

"Grand Duke?" He growled. Yes he is the Grand Duke! Shoot he's my father now.

"Sorry Father. My memory has been hazy since my accident." I bow my head. I didn't look up but I could tell he was smiling because the aura felt a lot calmer.

"It's alright daughter. Well another reason I called you here is because I have a surprise." He smiled patting me on the head.

"Elise bring them in." He called out. The door opened and there was Victoria and Blaine.

"Sabrina this is Victoria and Blaine! They are to be your new siblings." Unlike when I died, Blaine had a completely innocent look. He had big doll eyes. Both him and Victoria were holding hands. Blaine was a considerably amount taller. I looked to Victoria next. She was younger. I don't know how old she is. She has an all knowing look in her eyes. Maybe I can become a good sister and I don't have to die. Or at least live as a commoner. I'd be fine with that. I don't want my new father to die though. He's too precious.

"Hello! I'm going to be your new sister, Sabrina!" I beamed and jumped off my father's lap, running towards them. Victoria's eyes widened a bit, as if confused.

"You aren't going to be our sister." Blaine glared with slightly pink cheeks. I forgot he was kind of a tsundere.

Leo is the two faced nice guy, he will act nice to his love interest, but is actually kind of arrogant and rude to everyone else. Rowan, super loyal, puppy dog like male lead. Hunter, dandere or kuudere , icy personality but opens up to the one he loves, in this case, Victoria.

"Of course I am!" I smile and hug them both.

"Hey g-get off me." Blaine mumbled. Ah so adorable. Can't believe this was the guy that said I didn't deserve to be their sister. Well, I probably deserved it.

"So how old are you two!" I smiled pulling away.

"I am six..." Victoria mumbled.

"Oh so I am going to be your older sister!" I smiled. "and you?" I turned my attention to Blaine who had a flushed face.

"Eight..." He mumbled looking down at his feet.

"So you are going to be my older brother! I'll be in your care!" I smiled.

"Yeah whatever..." He mumbled. I looked back at my father who had a smile on his face. Who knew he would become so crazy? Well, everyone is crazy in this story.

"Well, Elise can you show them both to their rooms?" My father spoke up.

"Yes Grand Duke." She bowed and led them both out of the room.

"Well Father, I think I will retire to my room as well." I smile. He returns the smile and gives me a nod.

I walked out of the room and was met by Leo.

"Who were those two people who walked out earlier?" He asked, tilting his head.

"My new siblings." I smiled. He looked at me strange with a weird expression before smiling.

We both walked off and I swear I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned around to see a lady.

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