Chapter Five pt 4

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Lounging, quietly content by each other's presence, the sun passed through time and laid lower in the horizon. Eial had taken out two clean stones and started crushing and mixing the herbs for the sleep concoction. Fragrances of pines, petals, sweets, and slight bitters wafted in the air, the scent itself creating a sort of calm. The elf turned to offer the demon a sniff and found him lying stomach down on the cool grass with his arms crossed below his cheek. Setting the concoction down on a leaf weighted by rocks, he walked over to the horizontal figure and crouched beside the back of his head.

"Would you like to smell the sleep remedy? It's quite pleasant and soothing," the voice said in sweet melody.

In response, the demon groaned and refused to move.

Eial moved in closer, his breath near the demon's ear, and asked in concern, "Is everything alright?"

The demon's pointed ear twitched as the warm breath caressed it. Heaving a strained sigh, he murmured, "That water magic you've used on my wing before. Do it again."

The small being looked at the torn appendage in worry. "Does it ache?" But no response was given. Standing on his knees, the elf reached over to the imperfect wing and cautiously allowed a pale blue glow to surround his hands.

A relieved exhale left the demon as his body relaxed, numb to the pain. "That's it," he smiled in satisfaction. In curious movement, his head turned further back to glance at the elf's magic in use. But as soon as he started, the magic stopped. Did not stop fast enough, however, to hide from the demon's brief glance of the fleeting blue light that shone above.

Rapidly, he twisted his body to face the elf's and grabbed his wrist. "That wasn't water magic."

An alarmed look took ahold of the elf as his mouth slid tight.

"No fucking wonder. Water magic? Damn you, that was healing magic! I thought you said you're only attuned to the elements!"

Silence marked the field. No wind to hush, no birds present.

More and more. The elf just kept doing more and more. Having more and more. In a deep, soul piercing voice of false calm, he gritted, "What else can you do?" At his refusal to answer, he bit in a skin raising hiss, "Tell me."

Eial's vision became hazy as thoughts and plans and lies layered in his mind. "I—" his voice croaked, holding in his painful tears aching to show. As a soft whisper, his voice continued, attempting at honesty, "I haven't told anyone of my powers. S-so it's scary to talk about them." He bit his lower lip in embarrassment from his cracked voice.

The grip on the small being lessened and he let go, his eyes unwavering from the elf. His right hand encompassed the elf's cheek and tilted his face up. In feigned compassion, the demon spoke softly, "I'm your bonded mate. You said you'll trust me. So put in some faith"

The world stilled for a moment as the elf processed the thought of putting truthful faith in another being. His mind fogged a strange sense of fear mixed with... something that felt like a glow in his chest. Leaning into the demon's hand, he breathed, "I'll do my best."

The smooth touch left the elf's cheek and landed atop the fist resting on his thigh. "Then, let's start," the demon said, moving his thumb across the skin of the other, "Tell me about your powers. All of them"

"I... I really only have the elements... and healing."

"Nothing more?"


"You're not hiding any other power from me?"


The horned being caught the hesitancy in the elf's voice. There was still something the smaller being wasn't willing to open up with, and he doubted using force would deliver any results. He needed to bring down the elf's defenses, and it needed to be done quickly. But how...?

The demon's lip twisted.

Ahh, of course. What easier plan is there but to

"Last question," stated the demon in a voice of velvet, his charismatic smirk hiding a darker agenda. "What was your name again? I missed it the last time."

The tangent threw the elf off guard and a shy smile dawned his lips. "Oh, Uhm. Eial," he said, pleating the hem of his cloak.

"Eial, my sweet," the demon purred and gently grazed the backs of his fingers along the small being's cheeks. "You have much to look forward to."

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