Chapter Three pt 3

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Somehow the hour passed without either of them uttering a word. The demon did not care to have small talk with the elf. Events of the day had finally caught up to him and weariness took over despite the sun still in the sky.

The elf, on the other hand, was just too giddy to speak. On occasion, he'd taken the chance to peek at the demon, and then looked away with soft laughter— all of which the demon had pretended not to notice.

They'd approached a large tree, its base as wide as a small house, and the leaves and branches scattered six times wider. The elf exclaimed, "here it is!"

"Here is what?"

"Where we're staying for tonight!"

"Excuse me?" Saying the demon was exasperated was putting it lightly. "You're telling me to sleep on a fucking tree?"

"Yes? Oh, no. Wait wait." The elf stepped back and faced his palms towards the ground several feet in front of the wide trunk. His face and body showed complete focus as the ground started to shift. Soon, roots from one end of the tree rose loosely as if made of twine and interlocked surfaces, gathering the other roots beside them.

Within just a few minutes, a decent sized hut of sorts formed from the entangled roots. Inside were two perfectly sewn beds of grass on raised soil for comfort. The hut was spacious enough to stand and move around. With another push of energy, the hut molded itself back into the ground with an opening on the top to get in

All the demon could do was look in awe and bewilderment. Every time the elf used his magic, his abilities seemed limitless. This impressed the demon— as well as settled in a feeling of unease. The demon walked over and ran his hand along a corner of the opening, tapping his long, sharp nails on the way. "Well, that nifty."

"Thanks!" said the elf, as if he were receiving a compliment.

"This your vacation spot or something? Where's your home?"

"This is my home." The elf tilted his head in confusion and then remembered: not everyone lives like me. "Well, no, I don't have a house in the cities if that's what you're asking. But this does well. Take a seat inside. Tell me if it's not comfortable."

Cautiously, he jumped down inside the ground hut, which smelled earthy, but not too strong. There were two beds on opposite walls of the structure. Sitting on one of the beds, he noticed the grass bed was more cushioned than he'd imagined. Eyes raised, his amber eyes looked at the elf. "Feels like a coffin, but I suppose this will do."

Facing down from the entrance, the elf smiled in response. "Great!" he cheered and then stepped away from the demon's sight.

A small, sturdy ladder made of braided twigs lent an easy access back up, which the demon made use of to see what the elf was up to. The tiny being had been on his knees with his palms on the soil. Nothing seemed to move around him. Confused, the demon asked, "What're you doing?"

But only silence came from the elf.

After a couple moments, the elf heaved a heavy sigh, light perspiration dressed his forehead. "Done!"

"Done what?" The demon looked around and stared at the unchanged environment.

The elf finally put down the hood of his cloak, revealing his thread-like hair. "I created a barrier. Other elves can't sense us now. They won't find us.

"What if they walk by, won't they see us?"

"They won't. I'll make sure. I've done this all my life. Trust me."

But the demon was hesitant. "If we get caught, I'm leaving you here."

"I promise we won't get caught."

"We better not," warned the demon and walked towards the sun briefly before turning around and instructing the elf. "Make a seat here, too."

Smiling, Eial waved his hands up, letting the roots that had been resting beneath the soil to twirl into a stool for the demon.

The sun had just started to set in the clearing skies, reflecting an orange hue on the demon who had just sat down. "Jeez what a day." Shuffles of grass greeted his right ear when he noticed the elf plop himself on the ground next to him on the cooling grass.

Hooing of wind welcomed the silence. Dampness of the air changed to a crisp lightness. Eial looked at the demon with a glimmer in his eyes and a calmness settling in his chest. This time, he didn't hide his gleeful laughter as his fantasies replaced a beautiful elf with a rough and handsome demon. 

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