Chapter Twenty pt 5

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Vrona had explained whatever she knew of the history, with whatever she had learned from K'ra. Missing some details she was unaware of, but explained enough for Drokn to understand.

As for Drokn, how was he to feel? It had him thinking, but not much else. What else was there to feel towards people he had never met and would never? Despite their circumstances, K'ra had been living happily and full of smiles now and their father was alive. Losing a mother, burying a sister— Drokn did not know family bonds enough to understand the agony. How would he? He was ready to make his very own father grovel under his feet without a hint of mercy or sympathy.

The four guests spent the night there, Vrona and K'ra taking turns to care for the patients, and Eial insisting to join. Drokn begrudgingly joined only for Eial, allowing the time to pass by with their movement.

Throughout the next morning, Eial had spent a lot of his time with Gru. Tending to him, bringing him food and water, listening to his gentle way of speaking. His cloak remained on, the hood covering his head and cloth covering his eyes. And he made sure they stayed on. He was drawn to Gru the way he was drawn to K'ra. A warmth from them molding a sense of safety, of comfort. And Eial did not want to risk losing that from either of them.

When Gru awoke, he did not speak much, trying to save his energy. And Eial was the same, but only because he didn't know what to say. They sat in a comfortable silence.

One time, Gru asked Eial to tell him a story. Hesitant, Eial started, making sure to not reveal anything about being an elf or having special powers. He began to talk about the various plants he'd come across, and soon, with the ease of Gru listening, his excitement grew and he spoke more about his discoveries, his eyes glistening and time turning into just a trivial passing.

Drokn at the moment had been dragged by Vrona to observe her. She'd said, "The key to gaining strength is also knowing how to step back and heal," and made him watch the concoctions she'd made for the patients. When Drokn grew restless, she'd had him run laps outside the hospital, simultaneously having him conjure dark energy, training him to build speed in creating energy while moving.

The moments he'd become bored, he'd stop by Gru's room as he would always find Eial there. With this loud, boastful voice, he'd brag about his training— complain about it, as well.

"Thank you for working hard to help us," Gru would say with his gentle smile. And Drokn, for some reason, couldn't voice out that he was doing it for himself, to regain his dignity, that it had nothing to do with others. With tight lips, he dropped his body on a spare seat and listened to Eial's excited talk, pretending not to obverse, but listening to every word.

There was a peace with the three of them in one room. Some sort of natural flow and ease. As if they had known each other for a lifetime. Drokn subconsciously drowned himself in the surroundings. Letting himself talk with ease, feeling his chest tighten when Gru would chuckle at his haughtiness.

In a moment that afternoon, Eial had visited Gru as usual, delivering him fresh water. In the bustling of midday, Eial had paid less attention on his appearance and without his notice, a lock of his white hair untucked from behind his ear and drifted forward, well into view. In his unguardedness around Gru, Eial had not paid notice.

That was, until—

"Are you, by any chance, an elf?" Gru asked softly.

And Eial froze. His heart pumped in his ears. His instincts, conflicted between freezing and running away. Unaware he had paused breathing. Unaware that the shaky hands of the elder had slowly lifted off his hood. Had slowly lifted off the cloth blocking his eyes.

The moment the cloth fell and his vision was no longer fogged, Eial jumped back, his eyes the widest it had ever been. The green rounds staring alarmingly at the other.

"It's alright Eial," the sympathetic voice of the other did nothing to calm Eial's nerves. Shaking his head gently, Gru continued, "Poor dear. What must you have gone through to be so scared of being known?"

At that moment, Drokn had walked in, his stance lifted, ready and eager to share the results of his training. However, assessing the situation at his entrance, his eyes immediately darkened and he darted in front of Eial, a menacing aura with his palm ready for magic.

But Gru's sympathy only widened further looking at the two. "Don't worry, I don't have any prejudice against the elves," he said calmly with softened eyes. "And even if I did, I'm too weak to hold a fight." Gru chuckled weakly and warmly, unguarding the two, letting their instincts know by the way Gru had not changed the way he spoke to them or looked at them.

"I used to have an elven friend once," Gru continued, his eyes looking distant. "A long time ago. We met in the neutral zone and would meet now and then. She was very kind. And I can tell you are, as well, Eial." Gru's smile was a sunrise. "Come here, " Gru beckoned, and Eial somehow listened, shyly and hesitantly. "What beautiful green eyes," he said.

And his heart swelled.

Learning that the little one was an elf and knowing he was bonded to the boastful demon, Gru gleefully expressed his support for the two, feeling that their bond was important. Hearing the words, a pink tinge brushed on Eial's cheeks as he looked down with twiddling fingers.

And Drokn— well, he felt odd. Planning to hide and protect the elf in the castle was a plan made knowing the hate demons had towards the elves. But meeting a stranger who did not mind elves. Who did not mind their bond. Who even had an elven friend. Saying things so contrasting to what he'd been taught by the king and those who raised him.


He felt odd.

And connected to this unusual elder demon.

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