Chapter Sixteen pt 1

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Chapter Sixteen

Eial's stride matched his mother's, side by side, step by step, shaking the grass that dimmed in the night. Green eyes continued to glance up at the woman as if assuring himself of her return. A fairly quick return like she had promised, but too quick for Eial, for he had a hard time capturing that it was real.

With a comfortable resolution, Eial took a long step before clasping his arms around his mother's arm, her warmth bringing truth to what his eyes saw. He asked her questions about where she'd been and how she had come into trouble, all of which were answered with vague replies and, "You'll know soon."

"Some guards had met with us," Eial explained, unaware she was also present at their previous fight. "They were looking for you."

For that, she snorted out of her nose. "I'm aware. But don't worry, they can't catch me again so easily." When Eial looked up at her, she continued with a smirk, "There's a lot you can do when you're stuck in prison for seventeen years."

Eial wanted to ask more about her prison life, why she was taken, if she had a hard time, how she came out. But before any words were able to leave, he heard his mother chuckle slightly.

In a whisper, but loud enough for Drokn to hear, she voiced, "You know, I think Drokn wants a hug, too."

Drokn had been wandering a few steps behind, aware that the elf needed relief from his worry. Yet, the drowning pit of his companion's attention being taken away from him had his eyes darkened and head drooped in gloom. When the demoness had said those absurd words, the demon's brows crinkled and he shot his narrowed eyes up in a glare. Any words of defiance his teeth bared to say remained stuck in his throat for Eial had already let go of his mothers arms and came over to Drokn's side.

"Why didn't you say so?" His melodic voice drifted and he embraced the demon from his side.

In what seemed like rebellion, he looked away and hushed a smile from revealing itself. But a heart never lies, and his was thundering with joy.

However, continuing to walk while chained at the hip was much more uncomfortable than the imagination let it. Awkward, uneven steps, knees hitting the other's. Finally, eial let go, his lips thin. Drokn immediately missed the touch, but simultaneously was relieved to not walk in such discomfort.

A similar longing for touch to remain, Eial smiled and reached down, his fingers grazing alongside the palm of his partner's hand until their fingers braided and curled, a firm and comforting clasp. Eial looked up at his demon and curved his lips in satisfaction. Despite the darkness of the night, the loveliness shone brilliantly, and the contagiousness spread to Drokn and caressed him, warm strings tugging on his own lips like a mirroring puppet.

As usual, the bubbling in the demon lasted only for a short while. Not long after their hands held, Eial enthusiastically reached over and grabbed his mother's hand, as well, the three now walking side by side. The mother, providing the reality of her presence. The elf, elated to be with the two he held dear. And the demon, who pouted in mild irritation, but sighed in defeat witnessing the green eyes twinkling in delight.

Their voices hushed a few hours into the walk, both to hide their presence and because the early hours had started to weigh their eyelids weary. 

To his right, Eial noticed the demon's stride become more forced, each weighted foot lifting up and pressing down. The demon's brows twitched with each step and a glinting layer shined on the surface of his exposed skin. Pausing in his tracks, Eial suddenly grabbed onto the demon's wrist, stopping him from moving further. Looking back, the demoness paused as well in concern and curiosity.

Forcefully, Eial tugged the demon down, causing the demon to smack right down onto the cool, dry grass.

"What—" Drokn managed to say just before a loud yet dull pain struck down his legs. Instantly, his eyes pierced shut and his teeth clenched hard enough it could almost break. Mind clearing from the sudden fog of pain, his breath steadied again and he looked over at the view in front of him.

Two glowing hands rested on his left leg and a focused face hovered over. On the other side of his legs, the demoness kneeled and rummaged through her belongings, crushing and mixing herbs in a miniature mortar.

"Demons, just what did you do to get this sore?" One of the demoness's brows quirked up as she shook her head.

Drokn said nothing and stared at the pale blue glow on his leg.

"If you have trouble walking, please tell me next time." Eial's face slowly molded into worry, but his brows furrowed just barely.

"They're just sore muscles from training. It's not a big deal."

"It is a big deal for me." Eial's pout slumped further. "You looked like you were in so much pain... and I noticed so late."

"I'm fine," the demon said and brought his arm over to the elf, ruffling his hair. Confidently, he pushed his arms on the grass, levering himself up, but a shocking ache rushed through his body and immediately, his knees buckled and his limp body fell down. The demon was, in fact, not fine. Unable to move, Drokn resigned to the healing the elf was delivering him.

"Here, drink this." A clay cup was presented to the demon from the demoness. Inside was a clear liquid reflecting the sparks of moonlight that rained through the plethora of branches and leaves. "It has stamina increasing and restorative properties." When Drokn stared suspiciously in silence, the demoness huffed out a breath. "The sooner you drink this, the sooner you can move. Unless you want Eial healing you for hours." She nudged the cup closer. "It's good."

Hesitantly, and somewhat unexpected of the demon, Drokn grabbed the cup. After a breath in of preparation, he obediently took a sip. Only a small sip, yet shock and disgust instantly washed the demon's face and he tried to spit out whatever he could. "You said it was good!" he roared quietly, his eyes wide, seething with anger.

The demoness smirked knowingly. "It's good for you. I never said it tasted good."

Across from her, the elf pffted out air before turning his face away, hoping to hide his giggles. But that was not unnoticed by the demon who could see the slight red glow on the tips of the elf's ears and his subtly trembling body. A rough grip on the cup, the demon squinted and chugged back the medicinal tea in one gulp with the deepest of frowns. As soon as he was done, he almost gagged as he sputtered, trying to rid the taste. His eyes teared in the piercing bitterness and earthiness of the substance.

Turning back to face the demon, Eial smiled full of life with both his lips and eyes. Removing one hand from the demon's thigh, he brought it to one of his pouches. Without warning, the elf pressed some berries into the demon's mouth, his fingers landing on his lips.

As the sweetness of the berries permeated along the demon's tastebuds, Drokn's expression grew more relaxed.

Seeing so, Eial smiled further and cupped the demon's cheek, a thumb languidly stroking the warmed rise of his skin, his eyes looking deep into the demon's. "You did good," he giggled before moving his hand back and continuing to heal the demon's sore legs.

And a tinge of rose painted the demon's cheeks from the praise. Words that would have seemed patronizing to the horned beast, but from the elf, left him with an odd sense of childish shyness and pride.

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