Chapter 26

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"We have at least one warrior stationed at the siren control center at all times." Carl reassures me as we walk near the border discussing how the warriors are handling the new patrol schedule.

After helping Crescent Pack clean up following the attack and making sure they have enough supplies and warriors for their own patrol, all of us who decided to break away from the council had a meeting. We all came to the agreement to dig up as much evidence to try and pin point at what time the council shifted its priorities while simultaneously figuring out if we can backtrack Ivan's movements to find out where the rogue army is hiding. It would be too difficult to just search every area of no mans land since the sheer amount of land would take years to clear.

"Are people scared?" Our pack has put on a brave face since we got back from the disastrous council meeting. We held our own pack meeting the same night we got back explaining all the evidence we have gathered as well as what happened with Crescent Pack's attack. It was gut wrenching to look my pack members in the eye and admit what little information we have on the rogues. Of course they had questions which Quentin and I both answered to the best of our abilities, but there were some answers even we didn't know.

"Yeah." His face softens and he shoves his hands in his pockets kicking a small rock along the path. "But they trust you." He nudges me with his shoulder trying to get me to smile but the pit of anxiety in my stomach continues to build. I thought for sure we would find something, anything about the rogues whether it be their location, any other members, or even their next step, but so far we are empty handed.

"Thank you." I murmur running a hand through my hair. Carl always knows exactly what to say while making sure to get what's important across. I think that's why we get along so well, we balance each other out. He's like the brother I never had and I'm like the sister he never had. "I should head back Asher's going to call soon." Thankfully Asher is doing just as well as Carl after their attack and have had no further complications. I've called him a few times over the past week to just check in on how him and Stephanie are doing as well as sneakily checking in on my dads. I know Asher will be honest with me if my dads aren't doing well.

They both have been through the Blake situation along with their own tragedies before they found each, but it was different back than. We all lived together then but now we are spread far apart not knowing whether the other is okay at an exact moment.

The pack house is vibrant and full of life despite the impending war drawing closer. I stop a few times to chat with people and ask how they are doing, and I'm quite stunned how honest they are. All admitting how worried they are but are making the best of a terrifying situation. I'm proud of them for handling it all with grace.

"Hello?" Asher answers after a few rings. He sounds tired which has me worried immediately. Did something happen? Is everyone okay?"

"Hey it's me, is everything okay? You sound exhausted." I lean back in my chair kicking my feet onto my desk. Quentin's desk sits empty across from mine since he's out with Oliver helping build a new storage building for training equipment. He asked if I wanted to help this morning at breakfast, but my past record of handling a hammer isn't exactly clean. Plus he told me he had a surprise for me later, so it's not like we won't see each other all day.

"Yeah, Stephanie was up really early this morning with morning sickness." As much as I hate it my heart goes out for Stephanie. I may not know first hand how it feels, but I watched Della go through it twice from a young age. It's not something that you forget easily when you are on a picnic with you family and she has to rush to the nearest bush to empty her guts.

"I'm sorry." I cringe at how disingenuous my voice sounds. It's not my fault I don't know how to make him feel better all things considered.

"It's okay. I've got some good news." Asher's voice rises with excitement. I don't need to see him to be able to envision the smile stretching across his face. He always seemed to turn into a child when he got super excited about something, and it seemed like he still hasn't grown out of it. "We're having a girl." He announces, and I wish I was there to hug him, but repetitive congratulations over the phone will have to do.

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