Chapter 17

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"I'll stay here the whole time." Emma promises me for the hundredth time while trying to convince me it'll be okay to leave Quentin for a few minutes. She walks around the room rocking a sleeping Otis in her arms, and I sit in the same chair as last night holding Quentin's hand tightly afraid somehow if I let go he will too. "He's strong Tessa." I know he's strong but I'm not. Leaving him to just go make one phone call is proving to be harder than I anticipated.

"I'm ready." I whisper letting Carl know. He switches the breaks on the wheel chair off and pushes me to the door. I keep my eyes locked on Quentin until Carl pushes me into the hallway letting the door close behind us. The only thing giving me hope at the moment is the fact that Quentin looked a tad healthier today when I woke up. Most of the bruising on his face is starting to fade along with the small cuts littering his body.

"Do you know what you're going to say?" Carl tries to keep my mind preoccupied so I don't think about Quentin so much that I forget my real purpose of leaving him at the moment. I need to call the council in order to ask them to reconsider their decision on revoking our recognition.

"Yeah I just need to make sure I keep my cool." I'm angry that they didn't help us in our time of need. Regardless of what they think of Quentin at the moment there are still families that could have used their help and reassurance but they turned their backs to us.

"You're going to do just fine." He wheels me back to our house so I can make the call from Quentin and I's home office where there's more privacy. "I'm going to wait in kitchen and make you something to eat for when you're finished." I sigh as he shuts the door behind him. He wasn't happy this morning when he saw the tray of untouched food in Quentin's room. It's hard to eat when your mate is teetering on the dangerous line between life and death and your pack is looking to you for guidance on how to move forward when all you want to do is curl up in the corner and bawl your eyes out.

I take a minute to breath and sort out what I'm going to say. The pressure that's resting on this phone call is close to crushing, and I don't have a backup plan  if this doesn't end in our favor. Looking around our office I think back to all the great memories Quentin and I made in here. Shaking my head I let out a shaky sigh as I pick up the phone dialing the one number that I'm allowed to call.

"I was waiting for your call." Ivan's familiar athorative tone filters through the line. I clench the phone in my hand holding back the urge to flip out at his cocky attitude.

"I would like to speak to all of the council members at once." I don't leave any room for debate since I don't exactly trust Ivan at the moment. Not all of the council members have the same cold rigid exterior as Ivan, so I'm hoping those with a compassionate bone in their body will be willing to help.

"You're on speaker Tessa." My palms start to sweat with nerves. This is it I need to get my shit together.

"I believe there has been a misunderstanding, and I'm hoping we can get this resolved peacefully." Closing my eyes I concentrate on slowing my pounding heart as I wait for one of them to respond.

"I beg to differ our sources have provided evidence that you mate was directly questioning our authority, and that my dear is a violation of your recognition grace period. Not to mention the treasonous aspects of this situation." Shit this isn't good. Treason isn't something taken lightly and punishments are harsh in order to set an example to others.

"I insist that wasn't Quentin's intentions. Recently I had expressed that I wanted learn more about my mother and he was only trying to help dig up more information about her. Your sources must have taken his motive as something else, but I can assure you he meant no ill will towards the council or it's members." The line is silent for a minute which doesn't help me at all. I desperately try to think of a back up plan just incase they don't side with us.

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