Chapter 4

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The past week has been better for me. A day after I attacked Carl during training I went to apologize to him. Thankfully he was okay, and had no major injuries just a few cuts and bruises. He told me it was no big deal, and that he heard what everyone else was saying and said if our roles were reversed he probably would have done the same thing.

Every day after that we hung out. It's nice to have a friend that didn't know me during what Carl likes to call "the princess days". We run together before it's time to train, and he's been helping me catch up with all the time I missed. He's become my new best friend since every "friend" I had before refuses to even look me in the eye. I have a feeling it has to do with my blow up on the field. On the bright side no one has said any snide comments while I'm standing right by them, but that doesn't mean they don't do it when I'm not around.

For the past two days I haven't seen Carl as much because Victoria came over to spend some time with me before we all head up to the council meeting tonight.

It has been fun having my cousin keeping me company. She bring out a happy carefree presence in the house. Although it's hard to remember she's only thirteen sometimes because of her intelligence, there are times when her age becomes blantly obvious. Especially when the topic is shifted to boys or mates. I've been trying to avoid the topic all together, but she's pretty keen on talking about it non stop. I don't blame her, she doesn't have a sister to rant to, and I doubt Troy wants to sit around painting each other fingernails while talking about the latest boy who breathed near her.

"You should be happy. I wish I could go." Victoria sighs sitting down on my bed next to my suitcase. She's helping me pack for the meeting, but has spent most of the time complaining about how she isn't allowed to go with us. I understand her frustration because she's been asking to go for three years now and Aidan always says no. I think Della is secretly happy Aidan puts his foot down so she doesn't have to be the bad guy. Victoria is so adamant about learning how to take care and run a pack, but they just want her to be a kid. 

"That's because you're a nerd." I poke fun at her love for anything diplomatic. I swear her first word was a full sentence. I have no doubt that she could outsmart any Alpha or Luna at this meeting, which is just another reason to not let her come with. Some of the older Alphas wouldn't take to kindly to her telling them they are wrong and schooling them with facts.

She glares throwing a pillow at my head, but I duck out of the way before it reaches me. "Last time I checked you were the same way not that long ago." She stops herself suddenly looking guilty. I hate how my family tip toes around the subject, but I know why they do it. Ever since the training incident with Carl they have completely avoided any conversation about Asher or times before my birthday. I feel bad but I don't know how to explain to them how much it hurts to even think about him.

Speaking of Asher, I've only seen him in passing a couple times. Carl's really good at making sure I don't see him long enough to get upset. Although one time he wasn't quick enough. We had just finished a long run and wanted to grab water from the pack house since it was closer than my house. Unfortunately a whole bunch of people were hanging out in the living room including Asher and his mate. I froze when I saw her sitting on his lap the same way we used to while watching a movie with everyone. It brought up good memories that suddenly felt ruined due to this new dark and sicker sequel existing. Carl continued to walk into the kitchen not noticing I was glued in place.

The worst part was when Asher looked up while laughing at something someone had said. His ocean eyes gleaming with so much happiness connected with my dull storm cloud blue eyes that were full of sadnesses. I saw an emotion flicker through his eyes that I could best describe as pity, and that certainly didn't help with the hole in my heart that felt it had been singed around the edges. Carl manages to get me out of there before I embarrassed myself any further. The rest of that day it felt like a storm cloud was above my head, and my head only. Carl was helpful though making sure I wasn't alone to wallow in my depressing thoughts of what it would be like if I had found my mate instead of Asher.

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