Chapter 30

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James POV

After a couple of hours with Owen, it made me exceptionally tired than before. I still needed time to rest and somehow it was not possible while staying at my parents house taking care of my little brother. I drifted off to sleep as I was laying on the other couch beside him. He needed me to give him his food and his water. He was told to not move an inch for a day or two. The care helper helped me a lot since she knew what medicine he had to take through the days.

When the next day arrived, it was Sunday and I was still very sleep deprived. But I had to contact Maya. I was after all not working but just staying around taking care of Owen. Besides today I had to be back at my house as I had work tomorrow.

I tried to get a hold on Maya for a few hours but no reply. It began to worry me that she didn't text me back or call. After a few more texts, I finally got a reply, even though it wasn't what I had hoped for.

No, we can't talk. I think we should stop hanging out. Bye

I read the message from her again and again to grasp what she really implied in that message. Did she want to cut the connection fully? But why?

I was confused and my lack of sleep made me even a bigger mess. I felt beyond powerless now. What happened since she didn't want to talk to me...?

I tried to think of everything throughout these two weeks of not seeing her or contacting her. Was she mad at me for not contacting her?

I tried calling her up, but it went to voicemail after a short time. I gave it another try but the same thing happened.

I was beginning to think if I blew my chance with her. Did I do something bad?

I looked at Owen and I caught him staring at me. I smiled back at him and made it look like I wasn't affected. I had told Owen about Maya this weekend. Even though he couldn't talk that much, I knew he listened. He was always there for me. I knew that for sure.

My brother was everything to me. He was the only one who got to know my deepest fears and my personal life. Even my parents didn't know that.

After a while as I walked back and forth in the big living room I decided to meet Maya at her place. I had to show up without her knowing it otherwise I couldn't get a chance to talk to her. I wanted to fix things. Even if I didn't know what it was yet.

Later that evening the door finally opened and mother and father came in through the door. They had their suitcases with them and they looked relaxed. I wondered where they went all this time.

'Good you're back. I really need to get back home. I have work tomorrow early' I started putting my shoes on and got my keys.

'Sure, dear. Thanks for helping us out. Did Owen make any progress?' my mother asked me kindly.

'He's fine. He should be a little better now. I will come again and check up on him when I'm free again this week' I told them while looking back at Owen. I saw him smile at me vaguely. It made me content by seeing just a little sign from him.

'Take care son' my father patted my shoulder very briefly and then let me go. I drove home to get a good nights' sleep.

My house was empty and Nico was at the neighbors house. I hurriedly picked him up at their house. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were kind people and I was grateful for their help. I thanked them and gave them a nod and went back inside my house with joyful Nico beside me. I went down and stroke his back and then gave him a hug.

I didn't feel adequate at all at the moment. I was upset, frustrated, and most of all confused. I had to meet Maya the next day. I tried calling Maya again after work the next day but I couldn't reach her number at all. Now I was really worried. Was she okay or what happened?

I took my car and drove all the way to her workplace at the Café. There, I couldn't see her anywhere but I saw her co-worker standing behind the desk. She was chewing gum while working. Weird.

I went up to her and asked for Maya.

'Hi, can you maybe help me? I'm looking for Maya Ravikumar. She usually works here' I met her eyes and she gave me a lazy stare.

'Nope, she's not here. She left twenty minutes ago though. Why, can I help you?'

She chewed her gum even faster now. I didn't know what to tell her exactly but at the moment I was a bit desperate.

'Well, I'm her...b...friend. I tried calling her a few times but she's not answering her phone'

She kept chewing a bit more without replying but then stopped and spit her chewing gum out in the trash. My eyes widened at her sudden reaction. She eyed me from top to toe and then smirked a little.

'Oh, so you are the trouble that she has been dealing with lately, huh?'

'Excuse me miss? I was confused. How did she know me?

'You know what? I knew Maya was off because of some guy. She suddenly started talking about wanting her parents to find a suitable husband for her. Guess, it's thanks to you that she's gone that deep. You must have done something more terrible than that guy, Oliver did once...'

Oliver? What did he have to do with me? Now I was beyond confused. I was utterly blank as white paper.

'Um, what did Oliver do exactly?'

She eyed me once again before she told me; 'Oh, he cheated on her for not wanting to sleep with him. Maya has this thing about wanting to save herself before marriage, I suppose. But I think it's cool though! She's not letting anyone into her cookie jar- I mean, that's pretty bold and modest if you ask me......I could never do that...'

I didn't let her finish her random rambling. I had to go a few seconds back to understand.

'What do you mean. He cheated on her?'

She nodded and gave me a pitiful look. 'Yeah, he did. Big time. He even told her that he couldn't handle her anymore because of her culture and different lifestyle, although my theory is, that Oliver was just too horny to wait on that precious girl. Poor girl. Was devastated for years...'

I cleared my throat. It was very weird hearing all this personal information about someone I cared about through some stranger. And all this information was brand new. How come she never told me that?

I was lost in my own thoughts for a while before she interrupted me. This chewing gum girl was beyond the bounds atypical.

'So, what did you do to her... Sir? Did you have a threesome without her or had anything weird fetish thing toward her?'

I must have looked dumbfounded when my jaw opened at her strange fantasy about me and my 'wrong-doings'.

'No, I did not do any of those things, miss. Actually... I don't know what I have done'

She started to giggle, and it made me irk. 'Oh, believe me, sir. You must have done something. I can assure you that'.

She winked at me and then welcomed the next customer by ignoring me now. I just stood there in complete numbness.

Did Oliver cheat on her because she didn't want to sleep with him? The thought of her being unexperienced in that area did something to me. I was glad that her ex didn't get that part from her. He didn't deserve her if he could get himself to do that to her. 

Anger rushed through my veins. I was pissed at this Oliver guy. I wanted to punch that guy in the face. What was it with Maya and bad guys? First Oliver, then Kevin at the wedding and now... Me.

I snapped out of my pause and retreated to my car. I was now on my way to her apartment. Why in the world did she want to get married to some stranger on top of it all? My heart was beating in irregular beats and I was mad at Maya now, because she cut me from her world like that.

I had to tell her how I felt. No matter how scary it was. 

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