Chapter 3

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Nate's POV

Who knew a latte could be a good energizer? I didn't, the first time I tried it I immediately got addicted to coffee. Erin makes the best coffee in 5th Street, it must be what makes COCOasis such a popular place in Aeredale.

She first introduced me to coffee-making in her workshop in Vermilion Blvd, its where she taught me how to bake my first cake; cherry pie. She often teaches there on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, teaching people baking, coffee-making and poetry. Erin has always been a talented individual, that's something I can't deny but other than that she is a good person and a caring friend so her heart always leads first before her mind.

That's why I admire her so much, we support each other whenever we can and I wouldn't know who I would be without her.

I took a sip from my latte, scrolling past my feed on Twitter about the latest tweets. Noticing Erin standing beside, I looked up at her and smiled.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked her. She stared down at her feet, her hands together in the front and looking distraught,"Are you okay?" I asked her concerned, feeling something might be wrong.

"Can I sit?" she asked, I nodded and she sat down on the other end of the table,"I have to tell you something." she started, still looking down.

"Okay." I said, seeing her this way makes me feel that what she's about to tell me will be a hard one to spit out.

"Promise me that you won't get mad." she instructed,"And that you will take this wholeheartedly."

"I promise." vowing to her words.

"I-I don't know where to start." she stuttered, what is she saying? She's never like this before,"I don't know how you're gonna perceive me if I say this to you." she stated.

"Look," I grabbed her left hand which is on the table,"Whatever you're gonna tell me, I will accept no matter what. I'm your best friend, you're supposed to tell me everything and I will support you because I know that if I do the same thing then you would support me too." I stated to her.

She finally looked up at me, her hazel eyes lit up when I stated her those words. She took her hand off the table and straightened her back. Her gaze intensely locked with mine, both of us waiting for the next moment.

"I-I..." she mumbled lowly. I almost couldn't hear anything so I leaned a bit forward. A bell suddenly chimed in the room that surprised us.

I looked behind me at the front door where it came from and saw two new customers walk in, presumably together since they were talking to each other on the way in.

I return to her,"I should probably escort them." she excused but I told her to let them be since they just sat at one of the tables and didn't look like they were going to order yet.

I can't let her ignore what she's about to say because I wouldn't wanna postpone it if it's actually important, this is the first time I've ever seen her serious and I don't wanna act like an immature friend who only cares about jokes and gags.

"Nate, I just w-wanna say to you t-that I-I..." she continued. I listened intently thinking of what she was about to say next, maybe something regarding my new bakery.

Another bell rang again, this time it was on the counter. The couple that walked in before stood in front of the counter,"I should definitely get those." she told.

"Okay." I managed to say.

"I'll tell you some other time, Nate." she stated,"Enjoy your coffee." she walked to the counter, taking the couple's orders with a happy grin on her face, I can't believe she was just frowning a second ago but she can still act like it's nothing. I'm really starting to get curious about what she was about to say to me.

Four years ago, Erin and I went to see a movie in the mall that she said she wanted to watch with me, I was mildy surprised because she asked me first out of all her friends in town.

It was that time I noticed she was being extra nice to me which I took lightly because I thought she was just happy to be with me, it's been a year since we first met back then.

After the movie, we went to eat at a restaurant in the mall, it was then her mood kinda shifted from an ecstatic girl to sophisticated woman. She became more tame and quiet, I thought she just ran out of energy.

After our meal, she said she had something to say to me. She was exactly like this too, stuttering, nervous and made little excuses that prolonged our time.

Whatever she was going to say back then must be what was she was going to say earlier, but now I'm extremely curious what it is.

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