Chapter 2

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Erin's POV

In a Monday morning, nothing beats a good hard-brewed coffee to start the day. Because just the like the saying goes; today is like coffee, it will be as good as you make it. It's actually one of my favorite sayings, I love coffee and it makes my day everytime I say it out loud, although my grandmother says otherwise.

Walking up behind the counter, I sneaked my way past the back room to get my apron hoping that she doesn't hear me while brewing some beans in the coffee machine. Her back was turned around so this is my chance.

I snag my brown apron from the coat hanger and tiptoed my way to the door,"Don't think I didn't hear you come in." she suddenly spoke.

I look behind me and she still has her back turned around to the coffee machine, how did she hear me?

"Alright, you caught me." I admitted, putting my hands up in surrender. I walk back to the room and stood beside her.

"Where have you been? I was waiting for over an hour. I had to manage the customers myself." she stated in an obvious irritated tone.

"I picked up the supplies from the store and went to Nate's "soon-to-be" bakery." I answered, even making an air quote.

"What did you do?" she asked all of a sudden.

"Nothing. We just talked, he asked me to name his bakery so I did." I said, feeling satisfied with the name I suggested.

"You have time to give bakery names but you can't come to your work on time." she put on a scowl face.

"I'm sorry Gran, I promise it won't happen again." I put my hand to swear and she made the I-don't-believe-you-but-I-don't-care look and walked away to the storage room.

Since she left, I might as well continue brewing the coffee she was working on. A few minutes pass by and I hear a bell ring on the counter, I dropped what I was doing and rubbed my hands on my apron before heading to the front counter.

Someone unexpected caught my eye as I stepped into the room,"Nate, so glad for you to come by." I greeted with a smile, he stood in front of the counter with an exasperating glare waiting for me.

"I've been waiting for a while, is this how you treat your customers around here?" he asked in a complaining-accusing tone.

Oh really? That explains the non-existent amount of people waiting behind him in line,"You would totally be a good 'Karen' in a restaurant." I greatly remarked.

He roared with laughter and attracted literally everyone's attention in the room, fortunately there weren't many people yet because it's still way too early.

"I totally would, wouldn't I?" he continued laughing,"I've been practicing it." he stated.

"Clearly, but try not looking like a dumbass while doing it." I advised him, his tone was good but his expression was completely obvious. He always finds a way to make himself look foolish to other people.

"Yes, ma'am." he straightened his back and saluted to me. God! He's so extra.

"What do you want?" I finally ask him, I shouldn't be fooling around at work or my grandma might scold me again. My long-time friends once came to order coffees but we got caught up because it's been so long since we've last met that the queue went all the way outside the street. Grandma would've killed me if she still had the strength.

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