The bros are sick again! Come on I really dont have time for this

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"Good morning!" I hear a chirpy voice call out and I jump up, knife in hand.

"What! Uh?" I ask looking around to see Zuko standing infornt of me... smiling? The fuck.

"I said good morning. Why were you sleeping in that chair?" Zuko putting hot water over the fire to make tea.

"I don't know, maybe because you were dying in the other room?" I ask and he turns around smiling. After a couple hours of watching Zuko, Iroh stepped in and I stepped out, falling asleep in the kitchen apparently.

"I'm feeling much better now" he grins

"Great great" I mumble "does that mean I've done my job as your spiritual advisor, mentor thingy?" I ask and Zuko smiles.

"Maybe" he says shrugging and I sigh. I sit back down and put my head on the table. Zuko places a cup of tea in front of me and I smile, sitting up and taking a sip from the tea. Not bad.

"We are opening our tea shop today" Iroh says walking into the room.

"Did you decide on a name?" I ask

"Yes, Jasmine Flower" Iroh says and I smile, not realizing at the time that he had name the shop after Zukos tea, and my name, Akina, meaning flower.

"That's a lovely name" I tell him smiling "I'll go get ready and we'll head out"

I stand in front of the shop and smile at the beautiful sign. Jasmine Flower . This whole city is beautiful, unlike the lower ring, the middle one looks like paradise. I walk into the shop, examining the green tables and polished floors.

"Iron it's beautiful!" I say smiling at the old man. He nods, looking around the place of dreams. Zuko smiles, placing a hand on his uncles shoulder.

"I'm happy for you uncle"

"Thank you Zuko. I encourage you to fallow your dreams as well" Iroh says and I smile. Zuko hugs Iroh before walking behind the counter and getting to work. Iron and I make eye contact and I raise my eyebrows, giving Iroh a look that screams 'the fuck?'. I chuckle and get behind the counter, getting to work.

Later that day we had gotten a letter from the Earth King, asking us to serve tea at the palace the next day. With all the excitement, and the fact that I had slept on the kitchen chair, as soon as I got home I fell straight asleep on the couch. Why can't I just sleep on the bed??

"I'm so tierdddddd" I complain as we make our way to the palace. Zuko looks at me annoyed and I roll my eyes. We enter the palace, waiting in the hallways for the King. I look around, sensing tension and deceit.

"I don't like this" I mumble after 5 minutes pass. All the sudden Dai Li agents surround us and my eyes widen. I take a definitive stance and watch as Iroh and Zuko do the same. Azula walks up to Zuko and I glare at her.

"Have you learned nothing brother?" She asks with that cold voice of hers. If she wasn't crazy I would find her sexy.

"What are you doing here Azula?" Zuko asks while I stare down the Dai Li agents.

"I'm taking over the Earth Nation" Azula says plainly, as if she had just said she was buying ice cream, and my eyes widen "take them away!"

"Do you know why I got the name Dragon of the West?" Iroh asks and I look back at him. Is he actually about to tell a story right now?

"I am not interested in you stupid story's uncle" Azula spits and Iroh sips his cup of tea. Zuko grins before grabbing me and pulling me down, when Iroh suddenly begins to breathe fire, attacking the Dai Li agents surrounding him Zuko and I. We escape, dodging projectiles of earth fired by the Dai Li.

The Girl Who Could Do It AllTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang