Some flower thingy and a game

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After Zuko got back and we had that heart to heart, we decided to spend the night at the town and travel the next day. We all got on the ostrichhourse and began making our way towards spirits know where. After a few hours Iroh begins to groan in pain and my eyes widen.

"Zuko lets stop here, Iroh should rest" I say and hop off the ostrichhourse. Zuko stops the animal and I help Iroh off the ostrichhourse. The second all of us had gotten off the ostrichhourse a group of men surround us. I quickly take out my bow and arrow when I realize who they are

"Spirits! Colonel Mongke! I haven't seen you in forever!" I say happily, running up to greet him. He jumps off his rhino and gives me a hug.

"Isa, it's great to see you" he says kindly smiling down at me. I look around at the group and wave. They wave back grinning. I walk over to Vachir, a dishonored Yuyan Archer, and we do our secret handshake.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask leaning against Vachirs rhino. Mongke looks at me and points to Iroh and Zuko.

"We're collecting a bounty, they're fugitives, and so are you" he says and I frown.

"Yeah, it's kind of a long story " I mumble scratching the back of my neck. Vachir flicks his finger on my forehead and I glare at him.

"You always get into trouble Princess" he jokes and I roll my eyes.

"These are my friends Colonel, please don't hurt them" I plead but he looks at me with regret.

"You know as well as I do Isa, that I'm not going to back away from a deal like this, and if I recall correctly last year you would have done the same" he says pointing at me and I sigh, knowing he's right. I reach for my bag and take out a silver bracelet with a gem on it. I may or may not have stolen it along the way.

"Here" I say throwing the bracelet to Mongke.

"I won't take money from you Isa" he says and. I grin.

"You really think I'd give you my money?" I ask raising my eyebrow and he chuckles "I stole that from some store" I say waving it off. The men grin, and Mongke nods.

"Alright, I'll take it" he says and pats me on the back "I hope our paths cross again Princess" He gets on his rhino and I smile at him.

"Yeah me too, I missed you guys" I say and give a handshake to Utor, Yeh-lu and Junho.

"Bye guys!" I say waving them off as they disappear into the forest. An arrow fly's past my head and launches itself into a tree behind me. I grab it and smile when I reconize it as the arrow Vachir got me and I thought I lost. He thought it would be funny to get me a pink arrow. I laugh and place it in my quiver as I walk back to Zuko and Iroh who they look at me with a mixture of confusion and respect.

"You used to travel with the Rough Rhinos?" Iroh asks and I nod.

"Who are the Rough Rhinos?" Zuko asks

"They are bounty hunters, and warriors, but also a great band" Iroh explains and Zuko looks at me with confusion written across his face.

"Yeah, it's a really long story" I mumble, chuckling at the memories "maybe one day I'll have the time to reveal my secrets, for now let's get going" I get on the ostrichhourse and Zuko sits behind me.

"Whatever you want princess" he jokes putting his hands around me. I chuckle and shake my head.


"I really like the desert" I say as we walk into a bar in the middle of an oasis.

"Why?" Zumo asks and I shrug.

The Girl Who Could Do It AllDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora