Dramatic entrance begins

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I fall onto the floor with a thud, my father towering over me, his eyes ablaze. "WORTHLESS BITCH!" he screams as he kicks me in the ribs until he hears a crack. I cough and glare at him, bringing my hands into fists as I control the urge to kill him.

"Stop! Stop! Your hurting me!" I scream at him. He picks me up by my hair and places a ball of fire in front of my face. I cringe at the heat and cower back, but he keeps me in place as he lets my clothes catch on fire. I scream as I run back trying to put out the fire that is burning my skin."I know you miss him, but he's dead! And this won't bring him back! You can't trade me for him!" I scream at the psycho. He screams back and sends a fire blast so strong I'm knocked off my feet and fly back. My back hits the door and I groan. My eyes flutter shut but I fight to keep them open, feeling the place where he burnt me. My left arm is sizzling and tears fall down my face as I bite my lips to keep myself from sobbing.

"You should have died!"

"I know!" I yell back, rage filling inside of me as I look up at the man who is supposed to be my father. Spirits, how could a person manage to fuck up the one job he was given?

"You should have died" he mutters and glares at me with fire in his eyes. He grabs my right arm and throws me out through the door, sending me tubeling out through the street and groaning as I stop myself. He throws out my bag, along with my bow and arrow and all my weapons out of the house and they all scatter around me. All of them used to belong to my brother but he left them for me. Father throws everything out at me and sends another fire blast that lands at my feet. I lie down in defeat and struggle to keep my eyes open.

"Useless girl! I hope you die out there" he says and shuts what's left of the broken door. I sigh and lie down on my back not bothering to care for the people who were walking around me.

"Oh my!" I hear a girl scream and I turn my head slightly to the left to see who it is. A beautiful tan girl runs up to me and kneels near me, a tall boy and a young bald boy stand behind her.

"Are you ok?" She asks, but all I can focus on were her water nation features. The tan skin and bright blue eyes. What the hell is she doing so far from home? I wonder to myself as she hovers over me.

"I'm fine" I whisper, bringing a hand to my stomach, everything is blurry and I can't breathe but you know, it's just a normal Tuesday for me.

"We have to help her Aang" I hear her say to someone and the bald kid steps up, looking down at me as well.

"I'm fine" I say again and try to sit up when I hear another crack. I whimper in pain and lie back down "I just need a minute"

"Sokka pick her up, I can help her when we're at the camp," the girl says, pushing an older boy's shoulder and he frowns at me.

"She's Fire Nation Katara '' the boy, who I think is her brother, mutters. The girl, Katara, hits him and I chuckle. Sokka, the talk boy kneels and picks me up. I groan and feel tears run down my cheeks as he tries to pick me up slowly. The young boy looks at the taller boy struggling to pick me up without causing too much discomfort, and does something with the air. I don't really notice but I am soon in the taller boys arms. The girl and the younger boy take my stuff and walk by Sokka.

"You don't have to do this" I mumble, my head leaning against his shoulder and the boy purses his lips, looking down at me.

"Yeah yeah, and leave you to die in the street?" The boy asks sarcastically, almost rolling his eyes and I chuckle slightly.

"It wouldn't be the first time he'd kicked me out, it happens all the time" I say quietly and the boy raises his eyebrows. I close my eyes and sigh "this is the first time anyone's ever offered help, thank you."

"Yeah, yeah it's not a big deal. What's your name?" the boy asks


"That's a cool name" he hums and I smile

"What's yours?"


"Yours is even cooler" I whisper. We make our way through the forest and into a clearing. Katara lays down a blanket and Sokka lays me down gently. I wince but stay still as Katara lifts my shirt to look at the damage. She gasps and I chuckle.

"That bad?" ask.

"Sokka run to the river and get me water, and bandages from my bag! Aang go to the tea shop we walked by to get some healing tea!" She ignores me and starts ordering the boys around. I lie back and relax, enjoying the way the boys run off at the command of her voice, finding it a little funny.

"There are scars, they are old" Katara says tracing a few across my stomach. I just nod.

"My brother died 4 years ago, so they could have happened in between that year's span" I say plainly, moving my arm to push some of my dark hair out of my eyes, the sun blinding me.

"You don't know how you got them?" Katara asks in a small voice, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I know who gave them to me, I lost track of when, too many to keep track of"

"I'm sorry"

"Not your fault" I say and smile "plus now my face looks super scary and kids don't try to talk to me" I grin and Katara manages a smile. Sokka runs back with the water and bandages but stops in his tracks when he sees my stomach.

"You know it's rude to stare'' I say and move slightly when a sharp pain causes me to gasp. This wakes up Sokka and he sets the bowl of water by Katara.

"This may take a while" she says

"Oh don't worry, I have all the time in the world" I chuckle as I feel darkness take over, I was already almost falling asleep in Sokkas arms, but now my eyes feel so heavy... and the sun is so fucking bright.

"Wow! Wow! Uhhhh! She fell asleep! Don't go towards the light!" I hear Sokka call out and I laugh, before falling asleep. 

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