Water tribe dude is cool and all, but this lizard be vibin

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"I just don't understand why you think that platypus bears are better than wolfbat" I tell Sokka as we walk by the beach.

"Well wolfbats are scary and gross" he says and I roll my eyes

"No they aren't!" I say crossing my arms, before I can point out that they are super cute Katara stops in her tracks in front of us.

"Is something wrong?" Sokka asks and Katara points to a ship.

"That's a dope ship" I say nodding but Katara and Sokka run up to it.

"This is from dads fleet!" They say exited. I tilt my head and look at the ship. Water tribe, can only fit 4 people, this isn't a war ship. I think but keep my thoughts to myself, maybe they have bigger war ships out there. Before I can ask I feel someone behind me. I nock an arrow and spin on my heel, pointing my arrow at the mans forehead.

"One more step and you're dead" I warn dangerously. The man stops in his tracks and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Sorry, I just-" before he can finish his sentence Katara and Sokka run up to him.

"Bato?" Katara asks and he nods. I lower my arrow and look at the man with careful eyes. Sokka and Katara hug him and I put my arrow back, trusting their judgment.

"Isa, this is Bato, he is from the Southern Water tribe like us!" Sokka says introducing me. I smile and nod.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir" I say and be smiles

"The pleasure is all mine, any friend of Sokkas is a friend of mine!" He says happily.

"And this is Aang" Katara says introducing him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir" Aang says and Batos smile gets bigger, if that was even possible.

"The pleasure is mine Avatar" he says bowing and I raise my eyebrows at Aang, doing a mock bow. Bato explains that he's been staying at a abbey of nuns and takes us there.

"Oh great and powerful avatar, would you like me to carry you so you don't bother using your feet?" I ask in a jokingly manner. Aang rolls his eyes and grins.

"Well if it wouldn't be too much to ask" he says jumping into my arms. I laugh as I catch the boy, who is definitely using air bending to make himself lighter. I carry him the rest of the way as we make jokes, letting the water people reconnect. We make our way into a tent and we sit around a fire.

"So, where are you from Isa?" Bato asks while handing out soup.

"No where you would know" I say passing the soup to Aang.

"Is it an earth Village?" He asks and I shake my head

"It's unclaimed, everyone is welcomed,but I think everyone hates the fire nation soldiers" I say shrugging and catch Bato staring at my scars. Sokka gives him a look and Bato shrugs

"How long have you been traveling with Sokka and Katara?" Bato asks and I look at Sokka, whose on my right.

"I don't know, maybe 2 weeks" I say shrugging. Bato loses interest and goes back to talking to Sokka and Katara about their dad and personal things like that. I look at Aang who looks uncomfortable and nod my head to the exit of the tent. He nods and we leave quickly.

"What's wrong?" I ask Aang once we make it out of the tent and back  towards the beach.

"Nothing, it's just that... well it's stupid really" he says and I smile

"If it's stupid than don't worry about it, ok?" I tell and Aang nods. We make our way back to the ship and Aang flys up to the top of it.

"Wanna see a cool trick that will cheer you up?" I ask and Aang nods. I nock an arrow and twist the string of my bow. I point at a tree and send the arrow spiraling towards the tree. The arrow hits the tree and I grin.

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