Is it so hard to have one normal day?

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"Hey, Mushi we have another order of green tea" I say leaning over the counter and peeking my head through the window that connects the tea shop to the kitchen. Iroh looks over at me and nods. I was about to turn around when I feel someone pressing their body against me from behind. My breath stops and I quickly turn around looking up to see some man leaning against me.

"Get off of me!" I say and he grins, digging his fingers painfuly into my waist.

"I love it when they put up a fight" The man says says and my eyes widen. Someone throws him off of me and pushes the man to the ground. I watch as Zuko grabs a man that is twice his size by the collar.

"If you ever touch her again, I wont hesitate to kill you" Zuko seethes, looking like hes about to blow. He throws the man out through the open door and I watch with wide eyes as the man gets up, and walks away.

"Are you ok?" Zuko asks and I nod, my hands digging into the counter. I sigh looking down at the floor. Zuko touches my shoulder and my head snaps up.

"Its ok Akina, you're fine" he says and I nod, letting go of the counter and trying to control my shaking hands.

"Do you want us to report him Akina?" One of the regular costumers, John, asks and I smile shaking my head.

"Its ok, I'm fine he just scared me a bit" I say letting  a fake smile gloss over my face. I continue doing my shift, handing everyone tea and smiling as if nothing happened. When in reality I was crumbling. It's been so long since someone has touched me like that. I- I haven't even processed what happened. I felt him against me. He was touching me. I was fighting the urge to throw up when Jet walks in looking like a mad man.

"I am tired of waiting" He screams pointing a sword at Zuko "Those two are fire benders" He says and I glare at him, walking in between Zuko and Jet.

"Get out Jet!" I say clearly but he gets closer, placing the tip of his sword on my throat.

"I saw the old man heat up his tea!" Jet screams at Iroh and I remember when he heated up the tea. Fucking hell, that old man is going to get it when we get home.

"We work at a tea shop Jet" I say and he looks at me, probably debating wether to press the sword through my throat or not.

"How dare you protect these scum!" He screams "When was the last time you looked in the mirror Akina, did you forger what fire bending did to you?" He teases and I glare at him.

"This is your last chance Jet" I warn and watch as a dangerous looks flashes across his face. He tries to stab me but I dodge the hit, ducking and hitting him in the chest. He grunts and tries to slash my face off. I jump on a table flipping over and kicking him in the back. He loses his balance and one of his swords fall out of his hands.

Zuko grab it and they dual, I watch as Zuko kicks a table at Jet and I stop it from hitting a customer. They thank me and I smile, before kicking Jet in the hand, making him drop his other sword.

"Whats going on!" three Dai Li Agents walk into the store and look at the mess.

"This young man came into my shop and attacked my hard working servers!" Pao says, defending us. I glare at Jet as he gets taken away by the Dai Li Agents.

"Calm down, you're safe now" They say as Jet struggles against them

"You dont understand! They are fire benders!" Jet screams and I sigh, picking up a broken tea cup. Someone places a hand on my shoulder and I flinch, relaxing when I notice it's just Iroh.

"Hey Mushi" I mumble, standing up and pulling the tables upright.

"Are you ok?" He asks

"Of course" I say planting a smile on my face. Iroh doesnt look convinced, but nods anyways.

We finish the shift and go back to the apartment. Zuko walks into the other room and Iroh takes a seat at the table. I take out the grocery's we got on the way back and start making dinner. I sigh, my hands gripping the counter as the rice cooks. I look at the fire under the pot and hold back a sob. I place my hands over my mouth tightly, fighting back whatever this is. Someone places a hand on my back and I turn around to see Iroh. He opens his arms and I jump into the hug, crying hysterically on his shoulder. He holds me tightly as I shake in his arms.

"Its ok Isa" He comforts me but I shake my head.

"Jet is right" I sob, choking on my own words "I cant have someone bump into me without thinking they're going to hit me"

"It's normal Isa" He says and I shake my head

"And... and that, that guy that came in today" I cry harder "I- he- I" I struggle forming sentences

"He is vile, and disgusting, and he will get whats coming to him" Iroh spits and I nod "Isa, you are so strong, any person who had been through what you have would have the courage to leave the house. But you do. You get up every day" Iroh says kindly and I shake my head.

"It hurts so much" I cry, my entire body shaking violently.

"What?" Iroh asks

"waking up" I sob

LATER that night, I had sneaked out of the apartment, planing  on walking the streets of Ba Sing Se to clear my ming. I was walking down the stairs when I hear someone open a door. I look up and watch as Zuko walks down the stairs.

"What are you doing Zuko?" I whisper  once he gets within earshot.

"I'm not going to let you walk around here alone" he rolls his eyes and I furrow my eyebrows.

"I don't need you protecting me Zuko" I mumble walking out towards the street. Zuko fallows behind me, staying quite. We walk around for a bit, the only light coming from the moon. I make a turn at a street, leading up to a dark thin alley.

"Why don't we go back?" Zuko asks, taking for the first time in the past hour.

"No" I mumble walking into the dark alley. Zuko sighs, but fallows close behind. We continue walking through the dark when I see an opening. We step through and my breath hitches when I realize we ended up in a tiny garden in between the building. There is a small bench in the middle of the square, with plants climbing tbe walls and floors. I step around the plants taking a seat on the bench.

"What is this?" Zuko mumbles looking around the small garden. I shrug and pat the spot next to me.

"It's a garden with plants Zuko, take a seat and stop complaining" I sigh and Zuko huffs, taking a seat. I lean back, looking up at the stars and the walls covered with leaves and flowers.

"Are you ok?" I hear Zuko asks and I blink, keeping my gaze on the wall.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I sigh

"I heard... Well I heard what you told Iroh" Zuko says and I frown.

"I'm fine Zuko ok? That guy just scared me and that fight with Jet threw me off" I mutter my eyes burning a hole in the wall.

"Jet is right you know" Zuko sighs and I look at him "I don't know why you protect Iroh and I"

"The sprits-"

"You don't let anyone tell you what to do Isa" Zuko cuts me off, turning his head to look into my eyes "if you wanted too then you'd walk away, but you don't, and it doesn't make any sense" I frown, my mind racing to find an answer.

"I don't know" I say honestly and Zuko looks down at the ground "I really don't"

Hey guys!
Emotional Chapter!

Have a wonderful day and stay safe!

The Girl Who Could Do It Allحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن