Chapter 9. Get The Bell!

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A/N:  Sorry if this chapter has taken longer than usual but it was a little longer than the others. like twice as long since it spans two episodes. I also hadn't planned out how this was gonna go before hand. I've got everything planned during the chunin exam to the start of Shippuden, it's just everything before I forgot to plan out yet...oops. This fanfiction was one of the least planned out too begin with but I've been building things up as I go an now I've got a pretty solid Idea of what's gonna happen. Some peoples comments have also helped in this as well so I thank you.

I ended up with this so I hope you enjoy and didn't mind the wait~

Rose's POV: 

"He's late." Naruto groaned as he stuck his head out the door searching the hallway. We had been waiting a good few hours for out new sensei to arrive and we were now the only ones left waiting. I have a feeling we're gonna be waiting a while longer before Kakashi decides to show up... I rested my head on my hands and lazily watched Naruto and Sakura argue amongst each other and complain. 

"Naruto, stay still." 

"Why is it that only our squads teacher is late? the other squads have gone off somewhere with their new sensei's, and Iruka sensei's also left." 

"Don't look at me." Sakura said exasperated. 

"He probably doesn't want to stay here and listen to your whining." I told Naruto with a hint of irritation. That bastard, he probably expected for Kakashi to be late anyway so he bailed, leaving us to deal with Naruto and Sakura. 

I get why he's frustrated but he hasn't shut up for the past hour. "What did you say!?" He yelled, sending me a glare. "Am I wrong?" I asked irritated. 

Naruto yelled at me and glared a bit more before walking off to sulk. It didn't take long before I heard Sakura begin to yell at him again. "Hey, what are you doing, Naruto!?" I heard the scrapping of something across the floor as well as a bunch of clattering, so a looked back up and found Naruto balancing precariously on a chair and jamming an eraser between the door and the frame. 

"Hey!" Naruto was giggling like a manic while Sakura walked up to him acting all superior but I knew she was loving this. "It'll be his fault because he's late." 

"Your really asking for it." 

"Hn. A Jonin wouldn't get caught in such a weak booby trap." Sasuke said with his head resting on his intertwined fingers acting all smart. We'll just see about that. 

"That's right. Your such an Idiot...!" 

"You never know. Perhaps because the prank is so simple, he wont be expecting it and le down his guard." I pipped up causing everyone to look at me. Sasuke was indifferent, Sakura was glaring once again and Naruto was grinning, happy to have someone take his side for once. 

"Yeah right! Your just as stupid as Naruto!" Sakura yelled at me with her hands on her hips trying to act mature. "We'll see weather he falls for it in the end." I smirked at her challengingly before turning a bit serious. "The issue is, whether the prank works or not, do you really want to make this kind of impression to the man who'll be in charge of our training and safety for the foreseeable future?" I asked but it only fell on deaf ears as Naruto continued to giggle to himself and Sakura to completely ignore me, sending not so subtle glanced towards Sasuke who remained completely indifferent. I could tell he was eyeing the door though. 

I smirked a bit and nudged his side causing him to look at me as I whispered in his ear "You can't fool me, your looking forward to seeing this as much as the rest of us." I accused and he hmphed and resumed his 'cool' pose making Sakura swoon. "Yeah right." 

The Survivor Who died || original. - rewrite on profile.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang