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I get some food in our system and then we cuddle for the longest. I feel safe and warm in his arms until he lets go of me, I then decided to cuddle him and he doesn't argue about it.

We talk about the Angie problem and he informs me in of the plan, I play a really big part in it so I can't mess up. He gives me information that I should feed Angie.

We settle down back to our comfortable silence and I start playing with his hair. "We should have an August wedding" he brakes the silence.

"That's two months away" I tell him.

"I know"

"Do you have a day in mind?" I ask and he shakes his head no "what about the 8th?" I ask after some silence.

"Sure" he opens his eyes looking at me "I can't wait to make you my wife" he says and the words fill my heart.

"Stop" I smile down shyly because he's making me nervous. Butterflies fly around my stomach making me feel vulnerable.

I look up at find him still looking at me "Stop" I cover his eyes with my hand and laugh. My phone rings killing the damn moment, I pick up to Jamal.

"Angie wants to move the alliance up to next week Friday" Jamal says.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know"

"Uh...okay then" i wait on the phone to see if he has anything else to add but I get nothing "Bye" I hang up.

"Angie wants to move the whole thing till next Friday" I tell Shank.

"Why?" He asks and I shrug "somethings not adding up"

"I know" I say sitting up.

"Do you think we should re think our plan?"

"No." I get out of bed "I'm going to see Jes" I tell him then start getting dressed. I take off my shorts and put some ripped jeans on, I take off my top and put on a long sleeve tank top.

I re do my ponytail making it neater then put on my jacket. I look over at Shank who's now sitting up, I go over to him and kiss him "I'll see you later" I pull away then leave.

I nock on Ambers door and wait for her to open it, I'm not trying to see anything I don't want to. She opens the door and smiles when she sees me "lets go"

"Where?" She asks.

"To see Jes" I say and she nods, I stand in her doorframe watching her get ready. I look around surprise not to see Liam "no Liam?"

"He's working" she puts her jacket on and then we leave. We both look at Shanks old car that we took for a road trip and share the look.

"We shouldn't" I protest before she can say anything.

"For old time sake" she smiles and takes out the keys, she gets in the drivers seat and I get in the passenger seat.

We pull up in front of my house and we go to knock on the door, Jamal opens it and smiles. I hug him putting his betrayal behind me, when he lets us in I go up to Jes' room.

I knock and hear a "come in" then enter. When she turns to see me her face lights up clearly happy to see me "Cas!" She shrieks and hugs me tight.

"Your back! I've missed you so much" she says letting go just to give me another hug "I missed you too" I laugh and we sit down.

"Where have you been?" She asks.

"I uh, I wasn't doing so great so me and Amber went on a road trip"

"For a year?"

"Yeah" I laugh "I missed your sweet sixteen" I change the subject "I wanna make it up to you, how does a girls day sound?"

"Yeah I'm down" she smiles.

"Oh and er-" I remember "I'm engaged" I show her my ring, he mouth drops in awe "I know" I smile.

"When was this?"

"Like, last week"

"When do I get to meet him?" She asks.

"I'll talk to him" I say "anyways, I want you to be a bridesmaid"

"Omg yes!" She shrieks with joy making me laugh, Jamal and Amber stand in the doorframe watching us. "I'll pick you up tomorrow, if that's okay?" I ask her and she nods "after work I'll come get you"

"Don't you have somewhere to be after work?" Jamal interrupts, I glare at him know what he means.

"No." I say then turn back to Jes "I'll see you tomorrow" I hug her and stand to leave, Jamal walks us out.

"Hold up" he says to me and I turn to Amber "I'll be right there" I tell Amber and she gets in the car.

"You need to go to tomorrow's meeting" he tells me "your already on Angie's bad side"

"What do you mean?" I ask but he shakes him head.

"I know Jes is important but your being monitored and what your saying doesn't add up with what we see"

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?"

"Angie wants to kill Shank and she's going to use you to do it." My heart sinks at this "you won't do it though, and she's going to tell you this tomorrow to see where your loyalty lies"

"I don't get it, I'm only with Shank to manipulate him and now you guys want him dead? Is that what your saying?" I ask him.


"Then I'll do it" I say and Jamal looks a little taken back "I'll do it" I repeat.

"The Friday of the alliance" he says and I nod then get into the car.

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