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We spend the rest of the day in bed, getting food ordered to us, talking and laughing. I admire my ring for the 100th time making Shank chuckle.

"There's a mafia ball" Shank tells me "Sería grosero de mi parte si no invito a mi prometida" it'll be rude of me if I don't invite my fiancée.

The way Spanish rolls off his tongue is flawless. "I don't have a dress" I tell him. And he shakes his head "I'll take care of that" he says.

My phone rings and we pay no attention to it "Okay then" I kiss him. My phone rings again and I answer putting it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Where are you?" Jamal asks.

"I'm in bed, I'm sick" I lie, I feel Shanks thumb rub back and forth on my tattoo.

"What you got?" He questions.

"A hangover...now if you don't mind, you bickering is making it worse"

He's silent for a second and then says, "just checking up on you. You still on bored right?"

I look up at Shank and he nods "yeah" I agree. "Take something for the headache" Jamal says then hangs up.

My head falls back on Shanks chest and I listen to his heart beat which I haven't done in a long time. "I missed you" I tell Shank.

"Me too" he kisses me.

After a few hours Shank goes and I'm left in his bed, I get out, shower then get changed. I go to meet up with Amber so we can have a girls night.

I walk into her room as she's setting up Netflix for us, she sees my smile and gives me a puzzled look. "Don't be mad" I start still keeping my hands behind my back.

"What did you do?" She asks and I show her my left hand, he jaw drops as she approaches me "no way"

"Whoops" I giggle.

"No fucking way!" She shrieks "So I get a lecture about getting back together with Liam and your out here getting engaged?!"

"I wasn't expecting it" I tell her as she examines my ring "I was wrong" I admit "turns out he was being cold because he didn't want to blow his cover"

"What happened to the toxic Shank?"

"He's gone..." I trial off "we talked and we're working things out, nothings perfect Amber but he makes me happy" I look down with a small smile.

"As long as I get to be maid of honour" she smiles, I hug her tightly. We watch a series of different movies until we fall asleep.

My alarm wakes us up and I leave Ambers room, I rush to my own and get ready for work. Shank drops me off and I kiss him goodbye rushing in the restaurant. "Your late" Tobias says.

"I know, my bad" I go get dressed then start serving tables.

After my shift I walk out to see my brother waiting for me, I spot Shank and he watches me get into my brothers car. Jamal drives me to Angie's house and I follow him in.

"Cassidy" she greats me, she's sitting in her usually chair at her desk "what happened?"

"What do you mean?" I ask her, I can feel Jamal's presence behind me.

"The meeting was total bullshit!" She slams her hand on her desk making me jump a little "not to mention you went total gosht yesterday"

"They talk in code sometimes and I've never asked Shank what they mean, I think he'll catch on if all of a sudden I ask him" I try back my case.

"And I had a bad hangover yesterday, all I did was sleep. I don't think you want to hear my snoring for about 16 hours" I add.

She stares at me and I try keep my game face on "Where are we with Shank?" She asks.

"Miles is still alive, not one single bruise" I tell her trying to avoid the question.

"Did you get over your argument?"


"You clearly did more" she looks at my left hand and I know she sees the ring, it's hard to miss. I stand in silence trying to think fast.

"Think of it like this: I have him where I want him now I know he's serious about me, which is an advantage for you is it not?" I ask and she nods.

We talk more about the grand plan she has in mind but something tells me I'm being left out. Which is not a good thing, I know she can throw me under the bus but I need to stay on her good side.

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