Baby Ruby

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Reaching the room Y/n see's Ruby naked with 4 other men. Y/n jumped at them with a ground breaking force, the men looked shocked out of their minds when they saw Y/n. They immediately turned tail and ran with their sausages unchecked and dangling with a certain white liquid spilling out. Y/n turned to Ruby who had passed out on the chair without her clothes on. Y/n didn't bother to examine her, he immediately grabbed her scroll and called up the school nurse


The nurse jammed down her scroll, grabbed her aid kit along with a certain syringe gun. At the spot of the incident she gave Y/n a towel and told him to clean up the semen on her. Y/n sighed and blushed before grabbing the towel roughly, the nurse smiled playfully .

"Didn't know you were a good person, when I first saw you I felt like almost everyone here. Hatred towards to you, immense hatred." The nurse revealed to Y/n.

"What made you change your mind? Cause I really need other people to like me more!" Y/n asked, he was really just continuing the conversation because he didn't want to think about the semen on Ruby in which he was cleaning because there was... A lot!

"I just thought about the torment in which you go through and you... Motivation to strive further and to get people to like you" The nurse said passionately ( No! she is NOT into him!!).

"Well, uh, what's about that syringe you have?" Y/n quickly changed the subject.

The nurse looked at him, then Ruby who was still unconscious before feeling her heart rate then, slowly, she placed the syringe on her neck but before she could inject the substance into Ruby she felt a hand hold hers tightly

"I asked, what was in that syringe?" Y/n looked pretty serious

"Calm down mister Y/n, heh, Its no more than a reverse age potion."

"Why would you want to give her that!? I thought she's been deflowered!!??"

"She hasn't been deflowered, don't worry, her vagina has not even been interacted with... yet"

"then why the reverse potion?!"

"You want her to remember she's been through?!"

Y/n kept silent as she injected in the potion... No reaction, the nurse tensed up.

"Shit!" the nurse cursed silently

"What happened?!" Y/n asked worriedly

"An overdose... Look Y/n, can you take care of an 8 year old?"

"I CAN try, though I'm not too sure,"

"Good enough"

"why though?"

A couple of minutes passed and all of a sudden a loud 'POP' sound rang out and clouds appeared blocking Ruby from sight, soon once it cleared out There was no more the teenage Ruby but instead a little child laying on the ground, crying her lungs out. The nurse then grabbed Ruby and pushes it into

Y/n's arms and steps back

"Good luck taking care of a baby for about... 4 days!" The nurse said before running away quickly

Y/n wanted to call out for her but something caught his eye, amongst the area on which he and the Nurse were sitting at and tending to Ruby there was a little packet of bandages and plasters along with anti-infectants. On it was a note with the words 'Tend to your wounds!' taped on it. Y/n smiled warmly before grabbing the packets and walking towards his own dorm room.

As he made his was ruby was touching his face and laughing. Y/n looked at Ruby with a concerned face... He didn't know what to do! He was at a loose end! Ruby looked at Y/n with her pearly grey eyes, she was even cuter now than before. Ruby was giggling when Y/n decided to give her a piggy back ride because his arms were too tired.

" Hey, Dad!," Ruby excitedly said with a wide grin.

"Yeah?" Y/n choked.

"Do you know what I think of you?" the little Ruby asked.

"No, I don't actually, what DO you think of me?" Y/n turned the corners whilst making his way to his dorm.

"My Husband!!" Ruby shouted with enthusiasm and began to hug the back of his head

"You DO know we JUST met right?" Y/n countered

"I honestly don't think that that really matters! I can sense that you have a good, nice, pure heart!"

"AH... sure,"

As they were walking a group of kids stepped in their way, it was Jaune, Ren and Nora. Y/n sighed with tiredness and attempted to stroll right past them but was held back, as expected, by Nora.

"Hey asshole! GIVE RUBY BACK!! You BITCH! I HEARD EXACTLY WHAT THAT NURSE SAID, YOU DISGUSTING PEDOPHILE!" Nora screamed with a mixture of anger and disgust and a tinge of rage

Ren grabbed his Stormflower and aimed it directly at Y/n

"Hand it over and no-one gets hurt" Ren quietly said

"I don't really want to spoil an 8 year old's eyes so, uh, Ruby can you stand in that corner over there? I'll be right back don't worry!" Y/n ushered Ruby into a corner of the corridor.

Nora gritted her teeth as charges of electricity gushed into her tendons and muscles.

"Don't worry ruby... We'll save you from this pedophile..."

Y/n's face darkened again, before removing his coat and wrapping it around Ruby.

"Come at me you cowards, fighting a man who had met the near end of his life earlier"

Nora dashed towards Y/n in a speed in which the boy could see clearly, she was met with a bash to the cheek by his foot, Ren systematically fired his Stormflowers Y/n got hit by the bullets, but he didn't care. Y/n grabbed Ren by his foot and threw him into a wall making a large crack. Nora jumped up to him again but -although she was close- she got punched with a half-strengthened punch sending her flying into a wall again. Just as this was happening Y/n collapsed, turning around he saw Jaune holding a tranquilizer and grinning evilly.

Nora grabs Y/n coat and drops ontop of him, it was soaked with blood...

Ruby had turned around at this point and based on what she saw... she ran towards Y/n and shook him

"Y/N! Y/N!! GET UP! PLEASE!!" Ruby screamed out crying and sobbing.

"Cmon rubes, we gotta go now! No wasting time with this fool" Nora said as she reached for Ruby.

"Don't....touch... ME!!" Ruby screamed out loud at Nora.

Ruby's eyes were spewing out the white flames again and Nora was terrified, Ruby hugged Y/n, who was now completely knocked out and felt her strength grow, more and more. That was her second Semblance at work, Temporary Steal, she can burrow the strength of somebody for a limited amount of time.

Ruby used petal burst and dashed towards Nora and straight up punched her in the nose breaking it. The other two backed off and began to run away, Nora clutched her nose and passed out on the floor.

As the even occurred Ruby managed to carry Y/n to his dorm (she knows cuz he told her) and lay him on the bed, she closed and locked the door before throwing herself onto the black haired boy and, In a couple of seconds she was knocked out cold into a deep sleep.


If you're wondering about Blake and Weiss uhhhh, theyre coming out in the next chapter

Tell me your thoughts!

All Muscle (abused and neglected male reader x rwby) ARC 1Where stories live. Discover now