It only got worse

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Y/n stared at the crumpled beast, once towering over him, laying on the ground, blood trickled down and formed a puddle of sorts. The class looked at the beast and remained in a stunned silence

Blake: WHAT...THE...ACTUAL....

Oobleck: O-Of course that was n-no more than just a prototype of a beowolf of sorts. Anybody could have beated that hands down.

The class began to murmuring and slowly agree with Oobleck on his statement

Then the Booing began

Timeskip to lunch

Crow barged into Ozpins office


Ozpin: Why May I ask?

Crow: H-he....ugh fuck it! He is my nephew! A-and he uh does not have a semblance!

Ozpin: No semblance? Intresting... You may take your leave Crow.

Crow: Y/n? C-can I tak-

Ozpin: The boy stays, he has made some amazing progress within school and I think he may be one of our most achieving students- if what you said about him not having a semblance is true

Crow: B-b-but Si-

Ozpin: Tests will be ran on him without his knowledge, and may I ask of you again: you may take your leave

Crow flys off, cursing under his breath

Ozpin stared at the boy through CCTV screens

Ozpin: What is your seceret...Y/n...

Weiss POV

I wondered about how that black haired runt managed to kick a beast of that size to a wall. Does he have a strengthening semblance... No it cant be true because you can barely even detect his aura

Just as i was about to head into the dorm a familiar face bounced into view, Ruby.

Ruby: Hey Ice queen!!

Weiss: what do you want dork?

Ruby: cmon chill out, I wanted to talk about Y/n anyway

Ugh hin again, why can i just block him from my thoughts!? H-he's so damn intruiging it hurts

Weiss: What about him?

Ruby stared at her

Weiss: What?

Ruby: Never heard you so open to a conversation before...

Weiss: *slight blush*(Jackolops: she does NOT love him yet by the way)

Ruby: I wanted to talk to you about his semblance, like, Im barely able to detect his aura in the first place...(continues ro babble on and on)

3rd person POV

Yang jumped at them from behind making them pull out their weapons instinctively

Yang: Calm down guys! Chill out a bit!!

The seath their weapons

Yang: what were you girls talking about anyway?

Weiss and Ruby: Y/n

Weiss noticed Yang's eyes flash red
Before going back to normal

Weiss: you dont like Y/n, dont you? Why is that?


Weiss was suprised at the outburst

Ruby looked guilty and Yang looked furious.

Yang grabbed Ruby and muttered angrily before stomping away

'Its time to settle this once and for all..'

Weiss had a bad feeling about what she was gonna do, so she tailed them.

Pov switches to Y/n

Y/n was walking down the corridors and talking to Velvet.

Velvet: So Y/n, Did you know that I'm actually older than you?

Y/n: really? I had no idea! In fact I thkught I was older than you! Because of you know...*Pats velvets head* Shorty

Velvet tackeled Y/n whilst blushing

Velvet: Idiot!! (0/////0)

They laughed and made their way to the cafeteria, however on thier way the bump into a familiar student, cardin winchester accompanied by Dove

(Made team CDRL more stronger than before btw, so they can make minor crack on walls i guess)

Velvet: What do you want Cardung?

Cardin: not you dear bunny, I'm here for the black haired runt

Carding grabs Y/n by the collar, Y/n grabs his arm

Y/n: what do you want cardin?

Velvet nearly decapicated Cardin if it werent for Dove who was holding her back

Cardin: lets head to the back of the school, shall we?

Y/n obliged

Dove dragged Velvet with them by the ears, leaving her renderless and unable to move

All Muscle (abused and neglected male reader x rwby) ARC 1Where stories live. Discover now